
Spatial distribution of unconventional oil and gas resources exploration risk prediction technology effectively circumvent

Spatial distribution of  Unconventional gas  resources exploration risk prediction technology effectively circumvent

Unconventional oil and gas resources in the spatial distribution predicted rapid technological development in the  shale gas  and combustible ice prediction and evaluation of unconventional oil and gas resources play an important role in effectively circumvent the exploration risk.
Recently, pure random simulation method and the density of the grid resource prediction method such as five kinds evaluation of new methods have been introduced to meet the different needs of resource evaluation. Refinement of pure random simulation method to evaluate regional and evaluation process for the drilling area and undrilled area to take a different evaluation methods, mathematical modeling and evaluation procedures exist to make up for the lack of traditional analog method to enhance the evaluation process more scientific and evaluation of the reliability of results, greatly improving the unconventional oil and gas resources abundance and spatial distribution of prediction accuracy. Grid resource density prediction method for continuous gas zone and the introduction of a resource evaluation of new methods to solve the traditional analogy method does not take into account different evaluation units ultimately recoverable reserves of spatial relationships and other aspects of the problem, you can effectively evaluate very conventional oil and gas resource potential, predict the spatial distribution of oil and gas resources.
New approach in the U.S. Uinta Basin and the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin oil and gas fields and other dense practical applications, and achieved good results. Unconventional oil and gas resources in the world's energy landscape is changing under the new situation, the spatial distribution of oil and gas resources prediction technology is expected in  unconventional gas  resource evaluation play an increasingly prominent role in the implementation of unconventional oil and gas resource potential and formulate the future strategic development plan has important significance.

