
Sand mining into shale oil and gas third sin

Sand mining into shale oil and gas third sin

   Enterprises increasingly difficult to get mine

         Unconventional oil and gas production in recent years, large-scale application of  hydraulic fracturing  in addition to alleged contamination of groundwater sources and lead to mild earthquake and backs up a new offense: Sand mining pollute the air and water.
      To get the sand, we must first remove the surface of the soil, exposing the gravel below, and then turn to the appearance of heavy machinery, the gravel dug up, and then a lot of water washed gravel, broken down into small grains of sand .
      Booming mining industry has sparked controversy.  Frac sand  reas of noise and truck transportation to the surrounding residents disgusted. Environmentalists are also worried that the expanding scale mining areas will hills, mountains, and water and air damage and pollution.
         American freelance journalist Laurie Stern recently wrote an article describing Wisconsin Chippewa County residents because of the sand ore mining divided into two camps. North part of the county rural residents welcome development. "Some villages are ordered tentative development, first of sand mining in the end is more or more harm than benefit."
          Right now, around the sand ore mining has emerged deadlock. Although mining sand mine can Rijindoujin, and more and more companies have joined the chase for new mines, but sand and mineral resources concentrated Minnesota and Wisconsin state officials began to tighten mining policy because they have to reflect mining and the environment against the adverse social impact. Many counties and cities in Minnesota and Wisconsin in the new survey results come out before six months to a year out, ranging from a ban on any new projects.
         EOG's wishful thinking in North Texas had encountered resistance. American Rivers that sand mining is the biggest hazards of air pollution, "mining sand mine will produce a large dust, if the surrounding residents breathe into it, will produce great harm." U.S. Department of Health under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration also released a report, if inhaled fracturing sand contains a substance called crystalline sand, will likely suffer from lung cancer and other diseases.
        The face of challenge, EOG committed to using the most advanced machinery to reduce emissions, but the mining process than the local water depth of water even deeper. In a statement, the company guaranteed the project design to meet the emission standards of Texas Environmental Committee.
            EOG in Texas and Wisconsin have a sand mine, and intend to further acquisitions in these regions, respectively, and two a sand mine.
    "It is believed that sand mining will not only have an impact on air and water quality, and transportation to and from the car Shaka also cause road congestion and affect the quality of roads." Wali Harris was a farmer, his farm just off EOG Texas Shinsa mine site in northern locations close. Kirk counties in this project, EOG has not got air quality certificate issued by the state capital. Cook County officials have requested a hearing on the matter. Last August, the project site from Kirk County town 15 miles away in Munster County Project Kirk also held a hearing, back and forth to a total of more than 500 inhabitants. The Mayor Stan Anders said, this project is not assured mostly in the vicinity of the real estate people. Anders fear, out of the sand from the  frac sand  s heavy truck route Munster, will crush the road, and municipal construction budgets can no spare cash to renovations.
          EOG questioned from all sides in order to eliminate dished out two "big carrot": First, mining can create 40 local stable employment opportunities; two is two counties north Texas taxpayers. According to Reuters, EOG CEO Mark Papa told investors that the U.S. market is already looming  frac sand  supply shortages, as long as the hands of a sand mine or is there a way to get the sand mine, you can get rich . Government to preliminary statistics, in 2009 year,  Hydraulic fracturing  method, used up 6.5 million tons of sand, sand consumption in 2010 will turn on some. Since the use of sand is the company's own report, and then aggregated by the USGS, multi Lei therefore also stressed fracturing sand both output and consumption is likely to be underestimated. "Now there is a new gold rush." ??Dore said.
       Shale development more complex, shale oil and gas drilling are becoming ever larger, the United States and overseas demand for frac sand will only increase. Expert analysis, there may be long-term shortage of supply of fracturing sand.

