
Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydraulic fracturing is due to pressure caused by fluid injection in a rock crack propagation. Hydraulic fracture or vein like texture as natural form, but also natural gas and oil from the source rock transferred to the reservoir rock in a way.

For the release of oil, gas, coal bed methane, or other exploitation materials, energy companies known to induce through hydraulic fracturing (referred to fracturing or hydraulic fracturing) technology to accelerate the process. Such fracturing commonly known as "hydraulic fracturing", through borehole drilling reservoir rock formation of cracks. For high-permeability oil reserves and production of small-scale hydraulic fracturing wells typically consume every 20,000 to 80,000 gallons of liquid, unlike for the completion of tight gas and shale gas wells massive hydraulic fracturing; massive hydraulic fracturing per wells are available almost 2-3000000 gallons of liquid.

The latter figure attracted international attention, some countries use the technology or even completely suspended ban. Despite the current fracturing technology was first used in the late 1990 Barnett Shale in Texas, the first time used in 1947 fracturing operations. Due to high pressure fracturing fluid injection, resulting in increased energy rock and  unconventional gas  extraction rate ultimate recovery

