
New fracturing technology and features

A mixed fracturing technology (Hybrid Fracturing)

Although made seam fracturing water capacity, the economic cost is low, but the strong shale reservoirs pressure filtration so easy to crack open a closed, need to compensate for the fracturing fluid through the high displacement fluid loss, so the pumping requirements and water higher demand for resources. Because water fracturing sand carrying ability is poor, difficult to maintain the crack width, the near-wellbore zone Yi sand plug, reduce the use of small particle size proppant settling velocity is easy to make the crack formation at high pressure closed again, affecting the water fracturing stimulations effects (Figure 1). The emergence of hybrid fracturing significantly improved water fracturing fluid loss is high, low viscosity and poor carrying capacity deficiencies, which can be pumped into the larger  Proppant  particle size, increasing crack width, reduce formation damage.

Mixed fracturing technology construction process is to pump water into the slippery, making use of water strong ability to generate long seam cracks, and then pumped into the crosslinked gel pad fluid, and finally the use of gel and a mixture of certain size proppant in previously formed long cracks occur viscous fingering, slowing proppant settling ensure fracture conductivity.

Mixed fracturing technology feature is the ability to obtain a longer than normal water fracturing effective fracture, with better carrying capacity and lower filtration. Formation damage in the mixture between water fracturing technology and gel fracturing fracturing between the degree of injury was significantly less than the crosslinked gel fracturing, and can save some water.

The technology in the Barnett Shale application areas with high clay content, showing well production can be increased by 27.7%. Anadarko Haynesville  shale gas  evelopment in the United States used to compare diagnostic techniques fracturing fracturing and water mix fracturing application effect. The results show that small-scale  Hydraulic fracturing  average effective fracture half-length of 25 m, mixing after fracturing effective fracture half-length of 75 m. Therefore, the use of hybrid fracturing can significantly increase cracks, improve fracture influence.

