
ale gas exploration and development technology can not copy foreign experience

Shale gas exploration and development generally involves resource evaluation, gas exploration and gas exploitation three main stages, corresponding to shale gas exploration and development technologies can be divided into categories according to resource assessment technology, gas technology and gas exploration mining technology.

Shale gas resource evaluation related to the development potential of shale gas, mining sites, the commercialization process and a series of follow-up questions. Currently, shale gas research, surveys and other basic work low level, is the commercial exploitation of shale gas in the most important issue facing the study does not in-depth investigation and exploration is not detailed in the case emphasizes the development of shale gas too early. And late stages of commercial development are different, shale gas geological survey, geological exploration should focus on the scientific level, China and the United States belong to different continents, shale generated in different environments, not in the theory and development of  shale gas  levels according to the set of U.S. The geological knowledge and methods should be careful of shale gas resources in-depth fundamental research, rather than to invest in the development emergency in overheating.

Gas field exploration technology is the potential for shale and reservoir evaluation, selection, favorable exploration target areas, identify the main producing layer technology for further exploitation of shale gas ready. At present, the main methods used for gas field exploration of geological, geophysical, geochemical, drilling and other methods, and showing by means of geophysical comprehensive research-based ways. Of shale gas reservoirs with the U.S. shale gas reservoirs compared to a huge difference between the different regions of China shale gas reservoirs is not the same, so at this stage should also be adapted to local conditions, for different regions of the shale gas reservoirs actual situation detailed in-depth exploration and research.

Gas exploitation phase that can produce shale gas is actually a critical stage. First of all, the difficulty of exploitation of shale gas is greater than their conventional gas exploration more difficult. There is a vivid metaphor, if the gas likened to "goods", then the rock is a natural "warehouse", the exploitation of natural gas as open "warehouse" of the lid, plug in the tube, natural gas they will come out; while page shale gas is not so "obedient", and it is adsorbed on the "warehouse" of the "walls" and "lid", do not use a special method that is not their own coming out. Thus, the degree of fracture development of shale gas migration and accumulation, economic exploitation of the main controlling factor. But only a few well-developed natural fracture shale gas wells can be directly put into production, the remaining 90% of the shale gas well fracturing and other measures need to be taken to be "pulled" out.

After years of research, exploration, the United States formed a horizontal drilling and  Hydraulic fracturing  technology as the core of advanced shale gas technology system. However, even in the U.S., different regions of shale gas occurrence, development of technology parameters, also there is a big difference in contrast between adjacent development wells difficulty, suitable for different mining techniques but also to explore the region for a long time. Production of shale gas reservoirs significantly different shape compared with the U.S., such as shale gas in Sichuan Basin greater depth of burial, burial depth of U.S. shale gas more than 200 to 2000 meters, while China's Sichuan page rock gas burial depth of 1500 to more than? 4000 m; Guizhou, Chongqing, Hunan and other places shale layers thinner and often presents stacked, see also the different levels of local metamorphism; between different regions of China shale gas reservoirs is difficult to compare between wells references, analogies, even layer , also more difficult.

In addition, the United States is sparsely populated, relatively flat terrain, is conducive to the development of shale gas, while China Sichuan, Guizhou, Chongqing and other areas, densely populated large terrain elevation, geological disasters, and fracturing the well site area larger, if the future development wells bit more intensive, easy to induce human disturbance on landslides and other geological disasters, shale gas development of the integrated negative effects should be on the alert.

