
The next 20 years of tight gas shale gas production capacity will scale

The next 20 years of tight gas shale gas production capacity will scale 
           U.S.  Unconventional gas development experience has shown that tight gas and shale gas unconventional natural gas are two important growth point. Our fundamental breakthroughs in key technologies tight gas, tight gas built in parts of the scale capacity.  shale gas  in its infancy, is stepping up testing and technical research, if research goes well, the next 20 years will form scale production capacity.
Tight gas has built the scale of production capacity, should step by step, to accelerate development.
       The first step, "Twelve Five" period to accelerate the Ordos, Sichuan, Tarim three air zones on the pace of production, to comprehensively strengthen the Junggar, Songliao, Turpan-Hami, Qaidam Basin, Bohai Bay and tight gas exploration, the resources available to implement , exploration and development of supporting technology development and improvement, and strive to 2015 National tight gas production reached 50 billion cubic meters. The second step, "13 5" period in the main basin full realization of the large-scale exploitation of tight gas, forming systems supporting efficient, low-cost technology system, to enter the peak output growth, and strive to 2020 tight gas production reached 80 billion cubic meters . The third step, after 2020 the steady growth of tight gas production in 2030 annual output reached 100 billion cubic meters.
Exploration and exploitation of shale gas in its infancy, due to energy supply and demand gap increases, the decision of China shale gas exploration and development must be accelerated, should follow a three-step model for the development.
    The first step, "Twelve Five" period to the Sichuan Basin marine shale gas focus, opening up a number of pilot test area, the initial formation of appropriate characteristics of China's  shale gas  exploration and development of key technologies and develop cost-effective manner, while strengthening national page shale gas resources to implement and favorable area is preferred, and strive in 2015 to form one billion cubic meters of shale gas industrial capacity. The second step, "13 5" period a comprehensive breakthrough in southern marine shale gas, the implementation of the core zone of shale gas, exploration and development of the formation of advanced and applicable supporting technology and equipment to achieve the scale of shale gas development and utilization of the start, and explore continental and transitional facies shale gas development technology, and strive to 2020 shale gas production reached 10 billion cubic meters. The third step, in 2020 after the formation of efficient, low-cost, environmentally friendly shale gas exploration and development supporting technology. Conservative estimates of  shale gas  production in 2030 reached 60 billion cubic meters.
        2011 China's total primary energy consumption equivalent of 3.48 billion tons of standard coal, coal for 70% of total consumption. Consumption of natural gas 118.5 billion cubic meters, equivalent to 158 million tons of standard coal equivalent, accounting for only 4.5% of total consumption. Of tight gas, shale gas and coalbed methane and other unconventional gas resources are very rich. If the policy guidance well, by 2020, annual gas production is expected to reach 230 billion cubic meters. Among them, the conventional gas 110 billion cubic meters of  unconventional gas  an quickly grow to 120 billion cubic meters (80 billion cubic meters of tight gas, coal bed methane 30 billion cubic meters,
Shale gas 10 billion cubic meters), accounting for 52% of total domestic natural gas has become the subject of domestic natural gas.
       From the consumer point of view, 2020 was 150 billion cubic meters of natural gas imports, consumption totaled 380 billion cubic meters. In terms of total primary energy consumption by 2020, 4.3 billion tons of standard coal equivalent basis, natural gas in primary energy consumption structure, the proportion is expected to exceed 10%, to become a true pillar of energy resources. By 2030, China is expected to total conventional and unconventional natural gas output reached 380 billion cubic meters, of which unconventional gas reach 230 billion cubic meters (100 billion cubic meters of tight gas, coal bed methane 70 billion cubic meters, 60 billion cubic meters of shale gas ), accounting for 61% of total domestic natural gas. Plus imports gas 250 billion cubic meters, with a total consumption of 630 billion cubic meters. By 2030 China's primary energy consumption 5.2 billion tons of standard coal equivalent basis, natural gas in primary energy consumption structure, the proportion is expected to exceed 15%. If you keep the oil consumption ratio is essentially the same, with nuclear, hydro and other renewable energy development, coal in China's primary energy consumption structure, the proportion will fall significantly, China's energy structure will undergo major changes.
?????????????From the production point of view, in accordance with the production capacity to 2020 production of energy equivalent to 3.6 billion tons of standard coal equivalent basis, natural gas in primary energy production in the proportion of 7.8% in 2030 according to its own energy equivalent to 4.3 billion tons of standard coal equivalent calculation of natural gas in primary energy production in the proportion will exceed 10%.

