
Why use oil fracturing proppant into the ball into the ball tray

Oil  Fracturing proppant  into a  ceramic ball  effects: granulation into a  ceramic ball  of oil fracturing proppant production plays an important role, simply put, its role has four:
1, decided to oil fracturing proppant grain type, finish and other appearance quality, the saying goes: "goods to buy a skin", though not correct, and also shows the product's appearance is essential. Granulation process the oil fracturing proppant shape, and can make it have a rounded, smooth, beautiful external features. Granulation is good or bad, will determine the quality of its shape. Good granulation process, you can make it uniform size, smooth beautiful. Bad granulation process, oil fracturing proppant appearance of rough, uneven grain type size, would destroy its image. So, granulation determines its external quality.
2, decided early strength, impact strength of late, oil  frac proppant  in the granulation after a certain early strength. This strength, in the transportation, conservation process will be very low breakage rate; Conversely, breakage rate will be high. Granulation process advanced, just made a good blanks, more than 2m from the ground, landing not broke, the yield is very high; Conversely, just made a good feed bad easily broken, the yield is very low.
In addition, the granulation good oil fracturing proppant high density, late strength is often also high. Such as granulation bad oil fracturing proppant loosely sparse, it will affect the late strength, so that the finished oil fracturing proppant strength decreased, in a certain sense, it is the late strength oil fracturing proppant basis for the development .
3, the impact of oil fracturing proppant water absorption, impact absorption oil fracturing proppant main factors absorbent materials, pore-forming agent performance, molding granulation quality. In many factors, molding granulation mass is probably the most important. Granulation of high quality, stomatal closure is good, less and refine pores, water absorption will be lower. Such as molding granulation bad water absorption will be high.
4, the impact of oil  fracturing proppant  mass basis, in addition to the appearance of quality, strength, water absorption of several major quality, granulation also affects oil fracturing proppant other qualities, such as oil fracturing proppant softening coefficient , durability, frost resistance and so on. Granulation good oil fracturing proppant, softening system high durability, low water absorption, so the frost resistance is good. Such as granulation molding bad, these technical indicators are going to be affected, especially the durability will be greatly affected.

