
Russia declared himself the winner may also be

However, the Russian gas company IT department staff Andrianov Evening News reporter received e-mail interview that shale gas development will not affect the company's exports. He pointed out that, like with any other industry, the gas industry development should be based primarily on the basis of the economic benefits.
Andrianov said that the Russian gas company does not believe that America's current long-term maintenance of the natural gas market conditions. "Currently, the U.S. natural gas prices per million British thermal units at about $ 3, the price level has led to the American passion for exploitation of natural gas began to decline, while also allowing the U.S. shale gas company's assets has shrunk." He said. , which indicates that the actual cost of natural gas to be relatively higher in the United States,Unconventional gas the gap between costs and prices will continue to shrink, eventually leading to the United States can not rely on shale gas as a major energy exporter.
He also noted that the United States might be able to export part of the liquefied natural gas, but the total global gas accounted for only a small part of the market growth, and most will focus on the Asian market. In addition, U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas a move would trigger a rise in domestic gas prices, which led to decline in export competitiveness.
Andreas Adriano Mufti to, in accordance with the Russian gas company point of view, if the development of shale gas in Europe, and perhaps likely to meet local demand. However, he said: "The development of shale gas projects in Europe, the high cost, compared to the cost of conventional natural gas development, especially in Russia's mining costs, will allow the company's natural gas more competitive prices." Unfair competition cases, European countries, taking into account the ability of self-produced conventional natural gas will continue to decline, while demand they may increase, Gazprom will continue to increase in the share of the European gas market.
Russian gas company responsible for export contracts and pricing executives Sergei Kemuliefu also believes that in the long perspective, shale gas development might be able to help the Russian sense. "We also heard, shale gas boom part of the reason is to allow some countries to reduce our dependence on natural gas,frac sand but the end result of these actions would be to our advantage," Kemuliefu recent interview with America Associated Press interview that
In other words, if the global demand for natural gas continues to expand, with rich reserves of Russia, will have more potential customers. Kemuliefu even for the United States to act as "shale gas global lobbyist" behavior thanked "Russia's Gazprom shale gas is generally considered a gift given to the natural gas industry."
Shale gas revolution affect the international situation:hydraulic fracturing No shale gas, sanctions against Iran would not be so successful
No matter who is in the end is the real winner of shale gas revolution, but there is no doubt but that shale gas has become the United States and Russia "vindictive" sauce.

