
"Tight oil revolution" to play a word game

" shale gas  revolution" in the ascendant, "tight oil revolution" and riding on the Orient Express entered the Chinese economy. Some people an a massive revolution ensued was very terrified, but some people think that "shale gas revolution" campaign in China have not yet started talking about how "tight oil revolution." In this regard, anti-oil and gas expert Zhang has a different view. "Tight oil" Listen to the forefront is a new concept, but its essence is the original of several unconventional oil types collectively. "Tight oil revolution" in Zhang Kang's eyes,frac sand companies in fact, a gentle word game. IEA from an engineering point of view, "tight oil," the definition is: "the use of horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing from shale or other low-permeability oil reservoirs mined." Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute Shi Jia contractors in the "China tight oil evaluation standards, the main types, basic characteristics and resource prospects "an article from the perspective of its geological theory definition:" less than 10% porosity, permeability of less than 1mD (overburden pressure matrix permeability of less than 0.1mD), TOC greater than 1%, RO is 0.6% to 0.3%, crude oil density is greater than or less than 400API 0.8251g/cm3. according to the size of the porosity of tight oil reservoir is divided into class Ⅰ, Ⅱ type, Ⅲ type. "combining the above two authoritative definition, Zhang Kang that "tight oil" is actually equivalent to the broad definition of low-permeability oil, meaning anything from low porosity and low permeability rock mined oil are "tight oil." Sandstone is the best tight oil reservoir, so the vast majority of tight oil tight sandstone oil. Shale and coal seams may also have oil, but the two reserves is almost negligible. Abroad, "tight oil" tends broad concept that "tight oil" includes tight sands oil, shale oil tight, tight seams oil. Domestic preference for "tight oil," the narrow concept of "tight oil" refers specifically to tight sandstone oil. If you follow the broad concept of foreign terms,Unconventional gas that country has had a long history of tight oil extraction and considerable tight oil production. Endemic to China dominated by continental sedimentary basins with oil and gas, generally have poor reservoir characteristics, the corresponding development of a large number of rich low-permeability oil and gas resources. Low permeability oil and gas resources of the main gathering Ordos Basin, Tarim, Sichuan, land and sea phase superimposed sedimentary basins; Songliao continental sedimentary basins and in small lacustrine basins. According to Zhang Kang estimates, the current total proven reserves of tight oil may account for about 35%, since these lower rates of utilization of oil reserves in the remaining recoverable reserves which may account for more than 40%, as in the present Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Unused tight oil reserves accounted for 45% of about 100 million tons per year in recent years, the new reserves are low (including extra-low) accounted for 60% porosity and permeability. Ordos Basin accounted for 10.7% of proven reserves, tight sandstone reservoir which accounted for 80% or more.

