
Increase U.S. energy stored behind the prosperity Dilemma

U.S. energy boom will not be subject to the law of diminishing returns? New production from existing wells attenuation degree reflect the depletion of oil resources, which is the energy circle a hot topic.ceramic proppant Previous years, some analysts have warned that crude oil demand, but in the current U.S. unconventional energy development and prosperity in the context of the few people mention this point of view. At least for now, in the United States has just begun the exploration of oil and gas resources of the surface remains stable global energy demand in the context of oil depletion is still too early to say. However, it was pointed out that with the United States to seek energy independence intensified, oil depletion effects could have accelerated development of U.S. energy impact. AIS Capital Management president and chief investment officer John Hummel said: "The production growth is indeed slowing, although the United States has not yet reached the peak of oil production,frac sand but is close to the highest point." Hummel believes that the United States is to eat their own rest on our laurels. He also cited data showed U.S. crude oil exports on the decline, while the main reason is due to the depletion of existing wells. Along with oil depletion, fewer and fewer production from existing wells, energy companies have to keep trying to find new resources. Depletion rates of existing wells estimates there are significant differences, from 2% per year to 20%, but everybody believes that all production wells can only be getting lower and lower, until finally completely exhausted. Exxon Mobil's annual report in 2012 noted that the company plans to invest $ 190 billion worldwide looking for attractive long-term growth projects, to bring to market new energy supplies. However, for the economy to provide oil lubrication needs are in conflict with environmental concerns, environmental protection measures in fact also affects the United States and other countries, energy development, especially in mining technology of hydraulic fracturing triggered fierce environmental protests. But also on the global supply of crude oil Skeptics who slow growth of global oil production as their argument. American Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas estimates data provided show that global oil production is currently a net increase of 1%, but then growth will drop to zero by 2015, global production will be negative growth. Hummel said: "Now the annual output of crude oil from 1% to 65% more than a little bit of oil. 1960s peak oilfield exploration, after 10 years, we found that each of the resources are fewer and fewer." But , the current oil supply is still greater than demand, holding supply pessimism were obviously in the minority. The International Energy Agency recently released a report that: "North American crude oil production over the next five years, the international crude oil market will have a tremendous transformative impact, its impact will be less than the past 15 years, the impact of China's crude oil demand growth." Most of the world's crude oil production hot in the United States comes from shale resources. For the origin of several major U.S. shale resources specific capacity exists in different estimates, but some estimates, a single Bakken oil production is sufficient to meet U.S. demand for crude oil a whole century. American Petroleum Institute chief economist John Feier Mi said: "We see the decay rate of production problems,shale gas but the key lies in large-scale exploitation of oil resources to sustain their ability to Even reduced production, mining will continue for several decades As long as the continued exploitation, there will be many opportunities. "He also pointed out that many U.S. areas prohibit exploitation of crude oil, once opened, may increase the 100 billion barrels of recoverable amount.

