
EIA: new applications of existing technologies to help Russia to increase oil production

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) website on the 12th an article that Russia is in 2011 the world's largest oil-producing countries, as Russia's multi-stage  Hydraulic fracturing  and horizontal drilling technology, Russian crude oil production data has shown that in 2012 oil production will increase.
West Siberia (West Siberia) is Russia's main oil producing regions, the daily output of 650 million barrels, representing Russia's total output of nearly 2/3. When this area is ripe, new applications of existing technologies will make the production has stopped growing or declining oil fields began to accelerate the speed of recovery.
TNK-BP claim that it is the first company in Russia mature fields in Western Siberia application-independent multi-stage hydraulic fracturing improved technology company. In Samotlor oilfield pilot has tested six hydraulic fracturing technology,unconventional gas which is applied to reduce the number of completions and increased production. TNK-BP is planning by the end of 2012 will Samotlor oilfield pilot project to add 25, while the company plans to start in 2013, a subsidiary of the West Siberian region each year using this technology fracturing 50 horizontal wells.
Smotlor oil production accounts for TNK-BP outputs 1/4, 2011 decreased by 7%. But in front of a few years compared to smaller decline, indicating that the decline in annual oil future may be more moderate. Continued use of the multi-stage hydraulic fracturing may decline rate in 2016 dropped to only 1%.
In addition to TNK-BP outside,ceramic ball LUKoil also in western Siberia Tevlinsko-Russkinskoye, Uryevskoye, Vat-Yeganskoye and Pokachevskoye oilfield multistage hydraulic fracturing techniques to cope with declining oil production. This technology makes production decline stopped, despite the higher cost of technology makes the technology application is limited.
LUKoil and TNK-BP is Russia's second largest in 2010 and the third largest oil producer, the daily output of approximately 180 million barrels and 140 million barrels.

