
America "shale gas revolution" can copy

American " shale gas  revolution" also inspired the global shale gas exploration and development of strong interest. But America's development model can replicate many factors to consider.

First, you need well-developed pipeline infrastructure. The United States has 210 natural gas pipeline, more than 480,000 kilometers, covering every major market and shale gas area, which reduces development upfront investment is shale gas development with effective direct basis.

Second, the technical requirements are very high. After ten years of exploration, the U.S. technology system became more mature, so that the cost of playing a shale gas wells several times lower than in other countries, while the well production increased dramatically.

Third, environmental factors constraining. Shale gas  hydraulic fracturing  techniques needed to produce some chemical substances that can easily penetrate the groundwater. Therefore, the European shale gas extraction significantly more hesitant, France and other European countries, the majority of hydraulic fracturing has been banned.

Many industry experts believe that the neglect of shale gas development on the U.S. and global political and economic influence is a great mistake, but should not be overly overstating the role of shale gas development.Frac sand Whether it is sufficient to procure U.S. industrial renaissance, U.S. global development model can replicate, as well as its development could further reduce environmental pollution, these problems will take time to answer.

