
New energy revolution to defend the United States economy in the world unshakable

Eighties of last century, passed his sixtieth independent gas explorer George Mitchell began to try to get in  shale gas ,  after 20 years of trial and error, Michelle's company developed a method of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing was successfully mined shale gas. In the mining process, Michelle surprised to discover that these techniques can be used not only to collect the gas in hard rock, you can also collect rock oil. 2012, U.S. shale oil production has reached 1076 million barrels. Large-scale exploitation of shale oil and gas, the United States has brought a new energy revolution. In May this year, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that: "Because the United States in science and technology breakthroughs, we will in 2020 become a net exporter of natural gas."
Then, the IEA also predicted that the United States will be five to ten years beyond Russia and Saudi Arabia, the world's largest energy producer. In fact, U.S. crude oil imports last year,fracturing proppant the amount has dropped to its lowest level in 20 years, while inexpensive natural gas also enhances U.S. competitiveness in the chemical industry, manufacturing for the U.S. economic recovery and revival are injected into a solid power . New technology, especially shale gas revolution is changing not only the United States, leaving the original uncertain world energy becomes confusing.
U.S. Energy Department data show that in 2009 the United States with 624 billion cubic meters of natural gas production more than Russia, the world's first gas exports are expected in the next 20 years for the United States contributed $ 700 billion economic growth and create 800,000 jobs. China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Jihong that large-scale commercial exploitation of shale gas is not only the United States can achieve energy self-sufficiency, but also compared with other countries, will have a more cost competitive. "Cost is good, the price is good, just a quarter of our Asia. Now go to Europe than words, if it is to count per one thousand cubic feet, then Europe is its current price six times, while Japan nine times the price it. "
In 2006, the U.S. shale gas production is only 1% of natural gas, by 2011, this figure becomes 25%, is expected to 2040, U.S. shale gas production will account for more than half of natural gas, while the price will be cheaper
Shale gas is found in shale gas,Fracturing proppant is an important unconventional gas resources. As a special storage location, and its exploitation more difficult than ordinary gas, but the environmental impact is less than oil and coal. By international standards conversion, 100 billion cubic meters of shale gas energy provided by approximately 1 million tons of oil. If the oil is called "black gold", then shale gas is relatively clean and is known as "blue gold."
The United States is currently the world's only large-scale commercial exploitation of the country. In addition, Poland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Spain and other European countries shale gas exploration and development have made significant progress,ceramic ball is expected by 2035, Europe will gradually get rid of dependence on Russian gas, to achieve self-sufficiency in gas.

