
American "energy independence" shale gas alone is not enough

Interactions due to a variety of complex factors, since 2010, the nation's most  shale gas  Field are produced at a loss. Many early gas exploration company to a higher valuation of the speculation on shale gas mining leases to large companies such as Exxon Mobil, but then can not be achieved because of shale gas exploitation profitable to buy the lease company lost billions of dollars. For shale gas field for companies invested heavily in shale gas production so that U.S. natural gas prices, they are not only rely on exports, "bankrupt." Exxon Mobil and other companies to support a large number of export liquefied natural gas. But the U.S. business community on whether to export natural gas hold different views, opponents argue that a large number of natural gas exports will undermine the reliance on cheap gas recovery in U.S. manufacturing. According to Japan's Kyodo News reported on March 27, the U.S. government has already started to release shale gas and other restrictions on exports of liquefied natural gas for final coordination of the first half of this year may be the first issuing of export licenses, which is a result of nuclear power plant outage caused by imports of liquefied natural gas increase in Japan, is a "good news."
Stockholm Institute for Security and Development, a strategic resource security experts recently wrote that Washington "return" to Asia is not the main force of the U.S. Navy, but Exxon Mobil and other energy giants, because the United States' shale gas revolution "not only to complete the former President Nixon's "energy independence plan" to bring the geopolitical changes can also make a global manufacturing center shift, and for China's growing middle class eager to provide their energy.
But in fact, shale gas development does not change the fact that the United States as a net importer of natural gas. According to Nelder, at present, the natural gas consumed in the U.S. is still 6 percent dependent on imports. He told the "Global Times" reporter analysis, said: "Some people think that the concept of shale gas is a hoax, but I do not think so, it is actually an economic problem - only gas prices lifted to a certain height, lower development costs of those mining Manufacturers can turn around, shale gas output and profits of energy companies will greatly exceed Now, however, will lead to increase in production prices, so shale gas again become unprofitable. Accordingly, the United States through Shale gas development to achieve 'energy independence', but a daydream. "Nelder also believe that the U.S. dependence on imported oil shale gas exploitation will not be significantly reduced," Unless we have the ability to suddenly The tens of millions of gasoline-powered cars transformed into a gas-powered, "but on the road in the United States, a limited increase in natural gas-powered vehicles, mainly due to lack of filling stations restrictions.
In addition to Hydraulic fracturing  caused by environmental pollution is still unresolved and shale gas worrying problems, lack of pipeline capacity can not lead to the production of natural gas transported is a problem around the past. For example, the North Dakota Bakken Shale Gas Field Production of natural gas, 1/3 can only be burned in vain. Sometimes, as shale gas production rapidly decreasing late in the oil and gas extraction in the pipeline but not so economical. As well as company encountered financial difficulties to build oil and gas pipelines as planned. Therefore, Nelder told reporters: "My personal view is that unless oil prices increased significantly, but remain at a high level does not move, otherwise the California prospect of large-scale development of  unconventional gas  is doubtful."

