Shale gas refers to occur in
Unconventional gas , often distributed in source rocks of sedimentary basin formation. However, this gas is trapped in dense, almost no pores and cracks in the shale, in the exploitation of its formation must be artificial fracturing, manufacturing long cracks, and to the formation of cracks prop channel,frac proppant so keep up the pressure and gas continuously flow into the wellbore.
Shale gas extraction technology is mainly horizontal drilling techniques and hydraulic fracturing technology. Mainly for the production of horizontal wells, you can get a larger reservoir discharge area, get higher natural gas production. The purpose of hydraulic fracturing is to increase the well bore and gas reservoir rocks contacts for oil and gas to the well bore to provide a high penetration of mobile channel. The basic process is the completion of the drilling and installation of drilling, high-pressure liquid mixture into the drilling, so that gas reservoir rocks crack, and the high-pressure liquid proppant into the fracture to keep it open after the state,ceramic proppant making this a hydraulic fracture the oil and gas drilling speed channel guide. High pressure liquid water and solid support by the agents (such as quartz sand) and chemical additives, water, sand content is generally 98% - 99.5%, additive content of 0.5% - 2%. For high-pressure fluid has more than 250 kinds of chemical additives.
Shale gas is mined from shale in natural gas, is an important unconventional gas resources. Compared to more conventional natural gas, shale gas development has a long life and exploitation of the advantages of long production cycle, most of the shale gas production and wide distribution, thickness, and generally containing gas, which makes shale gas wells to a stable long-term rate of gas production.