
U.S. land freight data with real estate and energy markets close relationship that may exist between

American Truck Association (American Trucking Association, ATA) 5 月份 cargo rose by 6.7 percent, an increase not only the largest since December 2011, freight activity and is the most since records began flourishing. ATA data to two major reasons attributed to the strong,shale gas a sustained recovery for the housing construction, the other is thriving shale oil and gas, its main technical hydraulic fracturing method requires the use of large amounts of water and sand, driving energy-related transport activities increased substantially .

The other hand, according to the Association of American Railroads (Association of American Railroads, AAR) as of July 11 week, statistical, cargo rose by 2%; first 27 weeks of this year grew by only 0.9% more.

ATA AAR data, although not so pretty, but rail freight energy-related projects, such as oil and refined oil, surged 36 percent over last year.

Not difficult to imagine Excluding energy, the two land freight growth momentum must be greatly reduced, which recorded negative growth in rail freight, but not surprising. Even if the contribution of housing construction is also siphoned off U.S. land transport performance even more pale, self-evident.

National Housing Construction Association (NAHB) released this week,frac sand July builder confidence index is the highest level in seven and a half years, from June 51 to 57.

This indicator reflects the ATA and AAR cargo condition, then get on the track entirely, but one thing is very interesting, the builders growing optimism on the prospects of the property market on the occasion, the stock market seems to agree with investors, stocks this year, rising 20 percent, but the S & P housing Construction Index was far behind. Visible,ceramic ball since the U.S. housing market in 2005/2006 has peaked, NAHB housing builders confidence index, most of the time with the S & P Index ditto with housing under construction, but go their separate ways over the past few months, the industry confidence continues to rise , the share price was the opposite. Let us look at the situation continues, in the end is the stock rebounded to catch up with confidence, or losing confidence in the "chase" on the stock price, so that the two trends converge again.

