
Gas demand boost British ban shale gas exploration

UK government announced on 13th of this month in shale gas fracking ban implemented, this also means that the United Kingdom formally large-scale exploitation of  shale gas  release. In spring 2011, the North of England Lancashire (Lancashire), two small earthquakes occurred, environmental organizations believe that earthquakes are caused by the block being used fracking operations caused by shale gas wells. Therefore, from May 2011, the British government decided to suspend the use of  Hydraulic fracturing  techniques shale gas, shale gas within the British mining activities also declared stopped. Also due to environmental concerns, France and Bulgaria, both countries have banned the use of hydraulic fracturing for shale gas exploration. On the current level of technological development, the ban "fracking", which limits the large-scale commercialization of shale gas exploitation. So, this is the territory of the United Kingdom shale gas "green light" behind what considerations do? CBI Research Institute believes that the "demand for natural gas" is a boost British government "ban shale gas," the main driving force. On the one hand, natural gas in the energy mix in the UK increased proportion. United Kingdom 40% of the national electricity from natural gas power stations. British government in December released "Natural Gas new policy": 2030, England need to add 26 billion watts of natural gas generating capacity, which is equivalent to more than 30 new natural gas power plants. Being carried out within the UK electricity system "de-carbonization" process, expensive and carbon density of higher oil and coal will be reduced, while natural gas in the coming decades will play an important role.fracturing proppant Therefore, the exploitation of shale gas will help to replenish supplies of natural gas in the United Kingdom. British government also announced that it will launch tax incentives to encourage shale gas production, while the establishment of the Office of unconventional gas to co-ordinate the responsibilities of government departments. According to the analysis is expected to release the shale gas will meet 10% of UK gas demand. On the other hand, the United Kingdom increased dependence on foreign natural gas, natural gas imports must be guaranteed. It is understood that the United Kingdom since 2004, became a net importer of natural gas, imports 40% of total demand. Limited due to their location, the United Kingdom has been a liquefied natural gas (LNG) in major importing countries, its total natural gas imports more than half. Nearly two years, the global LNG trade has witnessed tremendous changes. Asian countries rapidly rising demand for LNG, the price is much higher than other global markets, the diversion of supply, resulting in European LNG supply tension. British Gas Group Vice President, Global LNG, said: 2025, European LNG market, the gap between supply and demand will reach 175 million tons, which is the European LNG industry's greatest challenges. As Europe's largest natural gas consumption one of the countries, the United Kingdom must try to reduce the impact of LNG supply. Therefore, the commercial exploitation of shale gas will inevitably put on the "security of energy supply security," an important agenda.

