
Northeastern Canada Yun-rich oil fields but found difficulty in mining

 Along the western coastline of Newfoundland, Canada, narrow green corner shale could hold as many as 230 million barrels of crude oil, however, the next big oil field in North America, have to find out how rugged yet broken from the mined rock oil economically feasible.
Headquartered in Toronto,Frac sand a small energy company Shoal Point Energy Ltd. (Referred SPE) has Newfoundland Green Point area of ​​land area of ​​nearly 280,000 hectares, is the region's largest landowners.
The company's president Langdon said that the band is indeed to be rich in oil resources, just absolute numbers will be very great, but also failed to demonstrate the feasibility of mining.
As the region's long-term development requires a lot of capital and technology, the SPE Company is currently seeking a joint venture as a partner. Langdon considered the region's rich oil resources, will attract large multinational oil companies to invest.
According to the North American shale oil mining for other methods need to break the hydraulic fracturing of rock to divert the energy, and this controversial method comprising the water, a mixture of sand and chemicals into the ground, the rock burst. This approach allows the hydraulic fracturing of  shale gas and oil in a large release, but will also give a security risk drilling near groundwater.
Combined with each of the different geographical structure Shale region for North America, other parts of the method that may be adjusted only after a special corner for the green terrain. Green corner shale structures appear thicker than other regions in North America, the earth plate movement has occurred around the rocky folds.
This World Journal quoted a competent consulting firm Boyd's words, where rock layers rupture occurred many times, but once the rock for this situation, it is difficult to drill oil. To exploit the energy here, had to create a new method.
Green hornfels extended to offshore area, now SHE company has started to drill oil from the land portion.ceramic proppant The future may also mined shale flat or shallow harbor.
Newfoundland region is already Hibernia, Terra Nova and White Rose and other large oil fields, is an important oil exploration areas in eastern Canada.

