
Industrial scale is still far

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that the global recoverable shale gas  reserves more than 187 trillion cubic meters, of which China accounts for about 20% of the total for the 36 trillion cubic meters, ranking first in the world, the equivalent of the United States ( 24 trillion cubic meters) and Canada reserves combined. Chinese Ministry of Land Resources is also expected recoverable domestic shale gas reserves of 25 trillion cubic meters. 2012 China has become the world's second largest oil importer, is widely expected that China will surpass the United States in recent years to become the largest importer of crude oil.frac sand However, the international crude oil price fluctuations and supply problems for China to pay a high price. In view of the United States in recent years shale gas technology breakthroughs, and whom bring a new energy revolution, China's shale gas revolution also full of expectations. But analysts said the foreign media that China take advantage of its vast reserves of shale gas on the road, facing some very significant obstacles. One is water. Mining reserves in the deep underground shale in shale gas, the only way is to use hydraulic fracturing technology, which requires a lot of water, and China is already facing water shortages. The second is China's lack of will from the exploitation of shale gas transported to the densely populated areas at the required pipeline infrastructure. However, the most critical obstacle to China may be the lack of hydraulic fracturing. Hampered by technical problems and cost pressures,frac proppant China shale gas exploration more slowly, currently only has shale gas wells more than 90 ports, mainly in exploration and exploitation of the Sichuan Basin, and the United States each year shale gas wells drilled 8000. China shale gas drilling cycle time and cost are the United States three times and 10 times. In March last year China introduced the "shale gas development plan (2011-2015)" proposed in 2015 will achieve large-scale production of shale gas, when production reached 6.5 billion cubic meters (equivalent to 2% of China's total gas output) , and strive to 2020 shale gas production more than 60 billion cubic meters. But now, the industry consensus seems to be that China can not achieve this goal. Beijing has been trying to shale gas exploration blocks in an open tender, the introduction of competition and to attract new funds, but so far have not achieved commercial success of a project. Zhuo record information energy analyst Wangxiao Kun told the "China Economic Focus" correspondent, currently affecting shale gas development in China's two largest factors, one technical, the second is too risky. "Shale gas development is a very long payback period of the project, the risk is very high, because the technology is relatively limited on the one hand, the other hand, the actual amount of recoverable amount and exploration may also have gaps, so after the end of the second round of bidding, There are not many companies as,Ceramic proppant after winning many have no substantive action. especially for some of the funds are not particularly strong enterprise, it is difficult to assume such risks. "Fudan Energy Economics and Strategic Research Center deputy director Professor Wu Libo also the correspondents said, and other centralized energy exploration and development patterns are not the same, the U.S. shale gas revolution from some small companies began to scale the direction of expansion. U.S. shale gas exploitation experienced before and after 20 years or so, before the present large-scale development. China shale gas development in the next five years is unlikely to have a real effect of industry growth, possibly driven only exploration and development equipment and technical aspects of some industries, from large-scale industrialization and still have a long distance. And China's geological conditions, resource situation and the United States are very different, "China in this regard is necessary to spend about 10 years, and before that, it can only be regarded as an emerging energy technologies, even the industry are considered not be reached.

