
Energy analysts pointed out that shale gas development, the United Kingdom and the United States is facing a completely different conditions

    One is that the two countries mentioned above, land, minerals caused by the difference method. In the United States, federal land belongs only a quarter of the country's land area. So, we have seen bustling U.S. unconventional oil and gas production activities have occurred in the United States a large number of private lands (so we will see the associated private land for oil and gas leasing heat and frequent litigation activities) . In the UK, private citizens can have mineral rights, but except oil and gas, both of which State (owned by the state there are gold, silver and coal).Proppant A company if you want to develop shale gas, energy and atmospheric changes need to obtain permission from the Ministry; eventually be able to develop, they need to get the gas field where the regional government's approval. If the economy is relatively abundant in the region, allowing companies to develop shale gas power will be insufficient. So in 2011, the UK Department of Energy and Climate from the domestic institutional and legal framework perspective, it is pointed out that the British efforts to develop  shale gas  may be limited.
    England, and the whole European Union, in the development of shale gas on the U.S. faces another difference is: U.S. shale gas development rely on technical service facilities have been quite thick, while the EU is not. Light of existing drilling equipment, give Britain an obstacle. In December 2011, the United Kingdom Douglas-Westwood energy consulting firm an analyst pointed out that the multi-stage  Hydraulic fracturing  drilling rigs ideal brake horsepower (BHP) is: at least 2000. The analyst said that the whole Western Europe only 78 rigs (2011 cases), of which 49 rigs brake horsepower at 1,500 or less; 17 units in 1500 to 200 brake horsepower; bhp more than in 2000, only 12 units. Therefore, the United Kingdom, and even the EU can rely on the development of shale gas technology services, is currently far compared with the United States.
    The challenge also includes the British global shale gas development are facing a common problem: Shale gas decay rate faster than conventional gas wells. Britain two years the only one using the hydraulic fracturing method for shale gas development company CUADRILLA that shale gas wells in the attenuation of 40% within two years.
    Furthermore, is the environmental movement. In Europe, including the UK, the environmental movement is stronger than the U.S. forces.
    So the total Overall, the cost of shale gas production in the UK is still pressure does not go. According to Douglas-Westwood energy consulting firm figures, the current cost of UK shale gas shale gas is a traditional four times that of imported liquefied natural gas two-fold. The company predicts that by 2020 the UK was likely to become a major producer of shale gas.
    An initiative of the British government, suggesting that the development of shale gas in the United Kingdom from the government a "help the momentum." The UK government has said that the development of shale gas industry will give tax relief at issue having discussions; also announced that it will build 30 power plants with natural gas as the energy that these plants will be natural gas to replace coal and nuclear power.
    UK shale gas development was observed, it may be worth keeping an "Atlantic" viewpoint. That is not only to see the UK, the situation in Europe, but also concerned about the United States. Look at both sides of the interaction and impact of, for example, a large U.S. oil and gas companies to enter the UK shale gas dynamics and so on.

