
"Energy Revolution" winners and potential losers

America's energy revolution of the 21st century evolution of the world decisive factors. In natural gas,ceramic ball the establishment of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling in new technologies such as conventional oil production over the prosperity not only outlines the energy market is also re-re-writing world economic and geopolitical. After decades of research and development, the production from  unconventional gas  accounted for 1 percent of U.S. energy consumption in 2005 to 5%, then 30% in 2012 and in 2035 increased to 46% of the energy supply. Unconventional oil will help the U.S. oil production in 2018 reached 12 million barrels per day, and let the U.S. over Saudi Arabia in 2020 to become the world's largest oil producer. Energy market structure will therefore change. 50% of natural gas reserves and 10% of the oil reserves of the world is close to re-evaluate or views of peak oil has occurred under suspicion. Southern countries due to the surge in demand caused by hydrocarbon energy prices will inevitably rise, the laws of the rapid loss of significance.fracturing proppant U.S. natural gas prices have plummeted from every $ 12.7 million British thermal units fell $ 4. Oil prices have stabilized at $ 100 a barrel. Energy trade flows restructuring: the United States as an exporter of natural gas and gasoline; Middle East, Africa and Latin America, crude oil exports to Asia, especially to China in focus.

