
Our country's shale gas "American miracle" long distances

Related system is imperfect.

First, the lack of policy incentives.  shale gas  development investment, output cycle is long, slow return on investment. If there is no government support, general business difficult to enter. Although the Chinese government has introduced a number of preferential tax policies for shale gas development, but overall not enough, pertinence, the absence of clear policy. Second, there is the problem of overlapping tenements. Exploitation of  Unconventional gas  resources similar to conventional oil and gas resources are managed by the Ministry of Land and unified,hydraulic fracturing awarded exploration licenses. Some distributed in conventional oil and gas basin formation shale gas mining tenements will inevitably overlap. Thirdly, there is the absence of relevant policies and regulations. On the one hand, the initial investment for the exploitation of shale gas is high, output cycle is long, slow return on investment characteristics, China still lacks the appropriate financial subsidies, tax incentives and other incentives. On the other hand, China's shale gas exploration and development in a number of potential areas such as the Ordos Basin, the Turpan-Hami Basin and other more serious drought and water shortage, environmental protection is shale gas mining process urgent concern in this regard is still a lack of appropriate guidance and restrictions. In recent years, China's natural gas pipeline construction has made great progress, initially formed across the east, north to south, connecting overseas natural gas pipeline network, and in the Sichuan and Chongqing, the Bohai Sea, Yangtze River Delta and other regions formed a relatively complete regional pipe network. However, China's natural gas pipeline network still does not sound like the United States, and did not like the United States to implement third-party access system. It is important in the regulation of natural gas prices under the ex-factory price of natural gas, city pipeline transmission and distribution costs and expenses tightly controlled by the state, is difficult to reflect the actual supply and demand, will result in lower gas prices, which hit the enterprise  shale gas  resources exploration and development of the initiative.

