
Shale oil development Xie California economic hardship

North Dakota shale gas  development has brought a lot of money to local incomes, but also to the state's unemployment rate dropped to 3.2 percent, becoming the nation's lowest. However, Californians do not seem to envy the vigorous development of central and western regions, the state's unemployment rate up to 9.8%, the highest rate of poverty in the nation states. However, our data show that California is likely to be the North American continent shale oil reserves in the richest areas. So Californians began to consider whether it can rely on 1000 feet below the shale to solve their economic problems embarrassment. Defend "the third largest oil producing state" status from the beginning of 1865, California began to produce oil. As California's oil resources can be mined using traditional methods, so the state is still the United States is currently the third largest oil-producing states. According to the California Energy Commission released data show that California oil production recently at an annual rate of 2% to 3% rate of decline. In 2011, the U.S. Energy Information Administration released a report that spans California Monterey Shale area of ​​about 1750 square miles of the southern and central areas of recoverable oil reserves of 154.2 billion barrels. For quite a long time of high unemployment and tight fiscal California, such a prospect is obviously very attractive, but taking into account environmental issues, a variety of voices opposed to shale gas development prevalent. Fracking is an unconventional mining methods can be applied to shale oil and gas mining process. Many environmentalists believe that the hydraulic fracturing mining process, the developers can not ensure groundwater or atmospheric environment is not contaminated. Some people worry that fracking will trigger an earthquake. California's vast frequent earthquakes, so this argument let Californians worried. Oil developers say, hydraulic fracturing technology has actually been used safely in California for several years. Moreover, developers will be in the State of California under strict rules and regulations, as well as taking into account environmental factors developed under the premise. Higher unemployment rate in California inland and coastal conservatives also quite divided on the matter. With the introduction of the revised rules and regulations, the development of shale gas resources of the dispute may be intensified. Calling the arrival of the revolutionary development was also suggested that, because Monterey Shale complex terrain conditions, the development company can take a variety of mining plan. Santa Maria is a smaller company Energy Development Corporation, the company formed naturally through rock cracks exploration, from the ground 2500 feet of the shale daily production of 200 barrels of crude oil. The company chairman David Platt said that although the company has yet to use  Hydraulic fracturing  program, but Monterey Shale development can really help California solve difficult financial problems. Some even said California is "America's Saudi Arabia," That's a slightly exaggerated. Even if California really started to develop an ambitious Monterey shale area economy is unlikely to have much of a miracle. California's population is North Dakota's population 50 times. McKinsey Institute think tank, said Kevin Krohn, the exploitation of the land in California costs may be much higher than other states. So far, no one can find developers began large-scale exploitation of Monterey shale zone approach. Despite some uncertain geological or institutional factors, but many companies are still optimistic about the prospects for the development Monterey Shale. Also in Monterey shale zones in other states is also very ambitious, in February 12 the Senate hearings, Colorado Governor John Hicken Lubo over to show support for fracking. At the same time, the rapid development of technology is also calling for the development revolution soon. It is said that in the hydraulic fracturing process of mining, salt solution can be used instead of water, which makes very excited. In recent years, rapid advances in mining industry. Northwest Gas Association trade body Dan Keshi Na think, then shale gas resources are called " unconventional gas  resources" made people feel very strange.

