
Why three European countries halted shale gas exploitation

Although these three countries halted for different reasons, but we can find some commonality. Local people questioned  shale gas  continues to heat up, mainly because of shale gas development of the potential risks. In fact, these countries were no precise estimates of potential reserves. Therefore, the development of shale gas potential gains and the resulting risk of the existence of various unforeseen problems. In addition, there is a problem is the lack of shale gas development in the framework of a complete mechanism for the exploration and exploitation of problems encountered in the process, it can not be fully explained, so the upgrade can not avoid controversy.
In addition, communication with the public on the government made a mistake. Romanian Government had once refused to publicly with Chevron exploration agreement reached, even when Chevron made public recommendations will help to avoid all gossip. Bulgarian government for a long period of time in claiming shale gas will bring tremendous value, there may even achieve energy independence, but it ignores the public concern for the environment and the resulting controversy. Since Bulgarians have always been accustomed to so-called corruption scandals, for the shale gas, also accustomed to think that would be an unfair deal. The situation is not much difference between the Czech Republic, the country's opening up to the energy companies have a lot of mining exploration and nature reserves overlap. Local people why the Government approved the risk of such a large mining activities did not understand.
For this poor communication skills, decision-makers not only the accused, shale gas exploration companies have not made enough effort to provide effective information to heal people's negative emotions. In addition, for shale gas hearings too, related consulting will be minimal. So foreign companies to local people the feeling that over the Nuggets, and not for the country's long-term strategic objectives. For example, Chevron has not set up an office in Bulgaria. Environmentalists was particularly dissatisfied with demonstrations continued.
Moreover, the political situation in the decision to suspend  Hydraulic fracturing  method also plays an important role. In all three countries, the shale gas debate how much overlap with various campaigns. There are some people for the political class to see shale gas concerns, and as a tool to promote the election in order to defeat competitors. In Bulgaria, the Socialist Party candidate for the domestic campaign this as the primary topic.
Meanwhile, there is an argument that the region against shale gas a little emotional Russia supports the back. Indeed, Russia's close attention to the development of shale gas in the world, because he does not want to shake it as a result of major European gas supplier status. If Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech shale gas reserves are abundant, these countries will certainly reduce dependence on Russia. That is why these countries trade with Russia's energy companies want to join the army against shale gas exploration in. Such opposition is even more common in Bulgaria.
We can not exclude Russia and pro-Russian camp also against shale gas exploitation. Gazprom stock company is not the only way to stop. Meanwhile, the exploitation of shale gas on the local construction of nuclear power and renewable energy development will also bring resistance. In summary, the above is just an analytical, the main reason is lack of communication between the Government and the people.
So, what will happen next? Governments in these countries have been chosen wait and see. They may not change in the short term plans, because if now easing, will face a huge political risk. Currently image Terrible shale gas, politicians need to take various measures to change the people of this impression.
These three countries, to promote some of the less controversial items will be more effective. For example, these three countries have expanded the transit of natural gas infrastructure, while they explore the domestic conventional gas exploration and the development of other forms of energy. Bulgaria and Romania have been invited investors to explore the Black Sea near the source of energy. In addition, these three countries have their own nuclear power development plan. Indeed the future development of nuclear power will become shale gas development a major obstacle, because it both burn projects, the future may face shortage of funds.
However, one day, these three countries to once again face shale gas. The trend is obvious, because Gazprom shares of domestic companies are also re-evaluate  unconventional gas  reserves. In addition, the Polish shale gas may be a success, it will affect the three countries.
We should note that these three countries only suspended the domestic shale gas, has no plans to suspend the whole of Europe to promote the exploitation of shale gas. They shall also hopeful, hoping like the United States to enjoy cheap shale gas, and then change the European gas market. But at the moment they are unwilling to take risks, unwilling to bear the costs.

