
Conditions of proppant and post-construction safety management

    Proppant  in oil production, the formation fluid Another serious problem is the reaction of oil and acid, to remove residual oil phase can increase the effectiveness of the acid system. Some oil, particularly black or heavy oil and acid reaction to form acid residue (precipitated asphalt), either to form a stable emulsion. Petroleum proppant on clothes, skin corrosion are strong, with liquid, construction must pay attention to safety.
     1, in strict accordance with the design for construction. Acidizing is good or bad, is directly related to the acid after the effect. Therefore, we must ensure the quality of construction. Pump pressure for matrix acidizing, formation fracture pressure must not exceed at any time to observe the construction of the pump pressure, ranked the most changes.
     2, the construction team on well after check carefully before construction is complete wellhead valves, screws are tight, to be qualified to carry out the construction wellhead. First, for the construction of the wellhead, pipeline pressure test, no leakage AIDS only when the acid injection wells.
     3, when the acid capacity, new technology well acidizing, to prepare the production command vehicle, ambulance wells.
     4, the construction management of late: after acidizing or bad management of oil and gas wells, related to the effect of acidizing. After acidizing oil and gas wells shut according to design requirements, the timely open wells. In the production process of oil and gas wells to seriously record oil, casing pressure, oil and gas daily production data, timed test wells fluid level and so on. Acidizing and press with a smooth water injection, the injection speed can not be too large, otherwise easily lead to the formation speed-sensitive, affecting acidification effects, inject water to water quality standard character sets, this plug injection wells strata, acidified fail.
     5, the preparation of  ceramic proppant  to the attention of Wear protective clothing, bold but cautious, there is someone responsible for directing with liquid, and advance the good lotion, once splashed acid in the body, the face must be promptly wash thin, rinse , severe promptly sent to hospital for treatment.
     6, with a good oil fracturing proppant  placed after the ferry to check acid tanker valves, liquid inlet cover are tight, there can drip, drain phenomenon. Vehicle shall be marked with hazard markers, transported to the wellsite crevices pay attention to safety.

