
Development process issues that need attention

shale gas is able to successfully develop a key factor is that in the normal water does not interfere with the local industry and agriculture under the premise of local water supply capacity to meet shale gas well drilling and  Hydraulic fracturing  with water. If the water is not properly controlled drilling frequency, time and location will be the effective use of the river adversely affected. For example, the reduction of water will cause the river downstream of the lack of public water, aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, wetlands, aquifer recharge and other negative impact on the ecological environment, but also may exacerbate the effects of drought. A significant increase in shale gas water may cause cumulative effects on the environment, such as rivers and other surface water and groundwater resources depletion, loss of aquifer storage capacity, deterioration of water quality, as well as the sustainable utilization of regional water resources decrease and so on. It is important to pay attention to several issues:
1) does not affect the spirit of the inhabitants of the local and regional drinking water, industrial and agricultural water, flora and fauna, water and other resources required to balance the principle of prevention and the development of shale gas resources to reduce the potential environmental pollution and ecological destruction.
2) make shale gas produced water disposal and treatment back to work, the introduction of independent research and development and a key return water treatment technology, forbidden to rivers, lakes and soil back to the discharge of untreated water. 3) to encourage the development of shale gas exploration and development incentives at the same time, the existing water, soil, environmental and other laws and regulations as well as oil and gas exploration technology policy be revised to improve the environmental baseline, increase the public and opinion participation and supervision.
4) assess the appropriate treatment method selected disposal a large number of polluting substances containing recycled water drilling. The exploitation of shale gas requires a lot of water resources, the introduction of advanced mining technology in China at the same time, but also to draw attention to the concept of advanced water management and environmental protection technology, to avoid waste of water resources, pollution and depletion, to avoid (village) degradation of watersheds and rivers.
Since the amount of freshwater resources per capita in China is only 2,100 cubic meters, only 28% of the world's average, even lower than the per capita arable land accounted for 12 percent; petroleum and natural gas can also use other energy alternatives, while drinking fresh water resources are also no other alternative.
Shale gas development in mainland China's basic national conditions necessary attention to this, water conservation, sustainable use of water, be possible to develop shale gas.

