
hydraulic fracturing did not result in Pennsylvania residential water pollution

EPA officials said last week published a evaluation report summarizes a Pennsylvania  unconventional gas  drilling platform near 11 people's drinking water round evaluation results. The report shows that there was no evidence of water pollution has reached the extent of health hazards. In January this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said it would in Pennsylvania Demo Ke region 60 people drinking water for evaluation, because oil and gas companies in Cabot began  hydraulic fracturing  water power exploitation of  unconventional gas   the local residents began to complain turbid water here and accompanied by a pungent smell.

A local spokesman for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to Reuters reporter De Yifeng wrote in an email, in 11 parts of water sampled in six did find sodium, methane, traces of chromium or bacteria, but their number are in the safe range. There are two found arsenic, but EPA believes arsenic dose is still safe, but will remain on the two families of the water samples tested again. EPA prior to Demo Ke multiple families to provide fresh drinking water, which has three people in the water samples contained within detected 11. EPA will do more testing water samples for these families while continuing to supply.

Cabot spokesman said the company in the first round of water samples test results are very satisfied and will continue to cooperate with the United States Environmental Protection Agency for the next step. Is  hydraulic fracturing  chemicals and sand containing water into the ground to release  unconventional gas  formations inherent in a technology. EPA is conducting a nationwide survey to determine whether this technique will pollute the water. U.S.  unconventional gas  industry data show that hydraulic fracturing method, this new drilling technology to make America's  unconventional gas  industry has revolutionized changes. These new technologies allow energy companies who can get more  unconventional gas  Tanaka hidden resources, and these resources are sufficient to use the United States over the next 100 years.

Environmentalists and health organizations are worried, in communities and schools near some of the hydraulic fracturing operation will pollute local water and air. But the sound from the   Unconventional gas   industry believes that the water supply has never been contaminated by hydraulic fracturing. With hydraulic fracturing in the United States has made rapid progress, monitoring the pollution caused by the drilling of this issue between federal and state governments also sparked fierce controversy. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said last week that it will cooperate with Wyoming, re-test some problematic water. EPA's draft report before the show, Wyoming Pavin Nene near the city of a water hydraulic fracturing is likely to have been caused by sewage pollution law. EPA spokesman said De Moke water quality evaluation of the results of the second round will be announced later this week.

