
Lytag Introduction

Pulverized coal ash is a low extinguished after constituted like pozzolana mixed. It was extinguished coal plants will be ground into pulverized coal 100 microns or less, with a warm-up atmosphere injected into the furnace to form a suspension off, low-temperature occurrence thick cloud of smoke small amounts of non-combustible material, install the trap to get through the dust fly ash. The chemical composition of fly ash is similar to clay, minor identity as silica, aluminum oxide, ferric oxide, calcium oxide and unburned carbon. Fly ash is a coal-fired power plants are the major solid waste discharge.
Lytag is fly ash as the main raw material (85%) about the incorporation of the right amount of lime (or carbide slag), gypsum, additives, etc., by measurement, ingredients, forming, hydration and hydrothermal synthesis reaction or An artificial lightweight aggregate reaction and made of natural water hard. Ceramic has excellent properties such as low density, high pressure tube, high porosity, softening coefficient, good frost resistance, excellent alkali aggregate reaction and so on. Especially due to the small high density ceramic density porous internal morphology, composition more uniform, and possessed a certain strength and robustness, which has a lightweight, corrosion-resistant, frost, seismic and good barrier properties (insulation, heat insulation, sound insulation, separated tide) and other multi-features. The use of these excellent properties of ceramic, it can be widely used in building materials, gardening, food and beverage, fire-resistant insulation materials, chemical, oil and other departments, applications increasingly widespread, continues to expand. At the beginning of the invention and production of ceramic proppants , it is mainly used for building materials, as technology continues to evolve and people on a deeper understanding of the performance of ceramic, ceramic applications already exceeded the scope of the traditional building materials, expanding its use of new fields. Ceramic building materials now in use, and has fallen from 100% to 80%, applied in other areas, accounted for 20%. With the continuous development of new uses for ceramic, its share in other areas will gradually increase.


According to the strength of ceramic classification

(1) high-strength ceramic
According to (lightweight aggregates and its test method) GB / T 17431.1-1998 new standard, high-strength ceramic label refers to the structural strength of not less than 25MPa with a lightweight coarse aggregate. In addition to the technical requirements of density levels, cylinder compressive strength, the strength of numbers, there are specific indicators of water absorption, other indicators (particle size distribution, softening coefficient, grain shape factor, the content of harmful substances, etc.) and ultra-light, the same as ordinary ceramic. The production of high-strength ceramic yield lower energy consumption greater added value, sales price than lightweight ceramic, ceramic high general about 50%. Preparation of high-grade and high-strengthresin coated ceramic proppant  lightweight aggregate concrete must be homogeneous.
(2) ordinary ceramic
According to "lightweight aggregate and test methods" GB / T 17431.1-1998 new standard, ordinary ceramic refers to the structural strength of the label is less than 25MPa with a lightweight coarse aggregate. Wider application of ordinary ceramic market potential.
By Resin coated ceramic proppant density classification
Ceramic according to the density divided into general density ceramic, ultra-light density ceramic, special light-density high density ceramic .
(1) General-density ceramic
Generally refers to a density greater than the density of ceramic ceramic 500kg / m3 of. Its strength is generally relatively high, more insulation for structural concrete or high strength concrete.
(2) ultra-density ceramic
Ultralight density ceramic generally refers to ceramic 300 ~ 500kg / m3 of. This is generally used for insulation ceramic and concrete products.
(3) special light density ceramic
Special light density ceramic refers ceramic less than 300kg / m3 of. It's very excellent insulation properties, but poor strength. Generally used for the production of concrete and its special light insulation products.


By ceramic shape classification

Ceramic according to shape into gravel-type ceramic, spherical and cylindrical ceramic ceramic.
(1) gravel-shaped ceramic
Gravel-type ceramic proppant general use natural mineral production, the first stone grinding, roasting, and then sifting; also available in natural and artificial light materials such as pumice, scoria, cinder, coal and other natural or calcined directly broken screen points derived.
(2) spherical ceramic
Spherical ceramic production is the use of the disc pelletizer. First raw flour, then add water pelletized into balls and then baking or curing together. At present, China's resin coated ceramic proppant Most of this variety.
(3) a cylindrical ceramic
Cylindrical ceramic commonly used plastic extrusion. First made of mud, and then cut into a cylindrical shape. This ceramic ball is suitable for high plasticity clay like material, the yield is relatively low. If using a cylindrical blank brick back firing in the kiln cylinder roll into an oval shape.


Ceramic sand trommel

Trommel main motor, reducer, roller units, racks, closures, expected out components. Roller means mounted on the frame inclined. After the drum motor reducer are connected together by coupling means, the drive roller means rotatable about its axis. When the material into the drum unit, due to the tilt and rotation of the drum unit, flip and scroll the screen so that the material surface, so that hsp proppant qualified materials (undersize product) by the cylindrical drum sieve discharge, substandard materials (on screen product ) by the end of the discharge roller. As the material within the drum flip, scroll, so that the material in the meshes of the card can be ejected, to prevent petroleum proppant clogging of the sieve. Drum sieve sand, the principle of construction drum trommel screening machine with almost the same, there are differences on the people know it and it is called.


Oil fracturing support is very effective

When oil and gas exploration in deep, high pressure low permeability Deposits closed after fracturing treatment, the rock cracked hydrocarbon, oil and gas from the channel formed by the collection out of the cracks. Along with a high-pressure high-alumina support material solution into the formation filling in cracks in the rock, do not play a supporting crack closure due to stress release effect, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that oil and gas flow, increase production. Practice has proved that the use of high-alumina proppant hydraulic fracturing wells can increase production by 30-50%, but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells, a key material in the oil and gas wells in low permeability oil and gas exploration and construction. Products used in deep fracturing, it will be filled to the low permeability fractured rock deposits in high closed Fracturing proppants treatment, the hydrocarbon rock split, play a supporting fissures not because of stress release and closed, thereby maintaining the oil and gas high flow capacity, not only to increase oil and gas production, and can extend the service life of oil and gas wells.


Progress fracturing fluid

single guar gum derivatives. Content of the polymer is 1/2 of the conventional polymer fracturing fluid; and the use of a polymer crosslinking metal-based crosslinking agent to increase the viscosity; Operating temperature 93 ~ 121 ℃; viscosity limit 400mPa · s / 100s-1, so as to obtain a long and thin cracks, but unlike that obtained with a solution of boric acid based gel short thick crack. Although the viscosity of this fracturing fluid is relatively low, but it is very suitable for hanging or carrying capacity of sand content is relatively high proppant. By 400 jobs in the field, to get the ideal stitch length and more thorough cleaning flowback.
The advantages are:
(1) can cause desired fracture length;
(2) costs than the polymer-free fracturing fluid is low;
(3) than the amount of conventional cross-linked guar gum fracturing fluid less 1/2, flowback better;
Reduction (4) degradation of the polymer damage.
The disadvantage is that when the sand filling, there are still minor injuries. Although the breaker can effectively reduce the molecular weight of the polymer, thereby reducing the viscosity of the liquid, but still contain cracks weaken diversion and discharge capacity of the polymer portion.
This fracturing fluid Utah Wasatch Formation (low porosity and permeability reservoirs) in the application and achieved good results.
2, guar gum can improve the low-borate fracturing fluid production of oil and gas wells
North American oil and gas companies have to increase crude oil production by reducing the concentration of the fracturing fluid borate crosslinked. Many companies use a borate crosslinked fracturing fluid, because such a system can produce a high viscosity, healing and re-formed under shear conditions, and is inexpensive naturally occurring borate as a main component. Borate liquid shear insensitive, crosslinking is reversible. Reducing the concentration of guar gum is intended to reduce the damage to the reservoir, and after fracturing a more thorough draining create conditions. Other studies have shown that completely drain blockage and reduce proppant can create better hydraulic fracturing  conductivity and increase production. Low guar gum borate fracturing fluid is a mixture of fresh water and guar gum, and by a single buffer - the crosslinked crosslinked fluid. You can simplify the use of buffer preparation work. Because the system was reduced by 30% to 40% of the colloid, so after fracturing proppants in the reservoir, leaving only insoluble residues and less colloid. Practical application shows that in three months after fracturing , oil companies increase the net present value $ 43,000.
3, HMP-quality water-based fracturing fluid
Micro polymer services company Halliburton developed a high-quality water-based fracturing fluid (HMP), the fracturing fluid is easy to recycle and can be reused many times. HMP is based on a short chain polymer, the polymer in the manufacturing process chemically cut, the final 20 to 30 times shorter than the original polymer. Fracturing fluid borate crosslinker is added. After pumping stops, reservoir rocks in the role of natural acidity, fracturing fluid can be effectively broken plastic. Flowback can be re-used.
The company said, HMP has the following characteristics: a reusable, saving money and reducing the amount of water used to solve the water problem; the crack length increases of 3 to 5 times the rate of increase yield and total reserves equivalent; drain efficiency doubled and without the use of the breaker; enhanced ability to carry proppant fracturing fluid filtration will decrease.
Since after the fracturing gel is pumped naturally break and restore its original viscosity, and therefore, without displacing the proppant, theOil fracturing proppant can be freely discharged back the wellbore, and then recovered by filtration and re-use. HMP using treated for subsequent stimulation not only economic, but also effective. This feature makes HMP is especially suitable for remote operation.


How to properly use and improve the efficiency of the drilling machine

Drilling machine is mainly used for drilling use, easy to use , can improve the efficiency of the maide oil well fracking , make work more relaxed? Of course , here I am for everyone to talk about in detail how to properly use and improve the efficiency of the drilling machine .
Before drilling machine operations , it is necessary to check each component , the water from the drainage holes into the well pipe . And commissioning organizations , recognizing normal , can the job.
        Piling place needs a flat , solid, clean, no power lines, no obstructions , the well should not be playing too deep, usually 8-12m match fit. Underground no holes, no buried objects , rain no water , when moving away from the ground water level sm above , do not use the well type and construction safety zone should be set up to stop pedestrians entering or remaining . ties should be laid flat on the ground on a solid trajectory grounding resistance less than 10Ω, rail spacing error shall not exceed ± 0.6cm, track fittings plate convergence necessary strong.
        Matters relating to the operation of maide Coal seam gas machinery is to have a strict rule , such as the most basic needs of the drilling machine operator that is necessary to certificates, so before drilling a large grain of salt added to the flower tube and abide by the safety rules and safety ten production discipline . drainage holes are not blocked so that salt gradually melted into the well ,
        Power wires, motors and guillotine wiring is correct, outstanding insulation voltage error shall not exceed ± 5%, the construction of small -diameter tube wells , often use small drilling rig to the depth certainly will be processed under good wall pipe to the well if when two motors must operate together , should certainly every moment to launch when staking frame board when board over 10 ~ 20cm , should stop viewing, sustainable rise in various parts of the normal rear.


What is shale gas?
Shale gas is mined from shale out of a very important unconventional gas resources. Formation and enrichment of shale gas has its own unique characteristics, often greater thickness proppant plant distribution in the basin wide distribution of hydrocarbon source rock shale formations. Compared to more conventional natural gas, shale gas development has a long mine life and long production cycle Ceramic proppants advantages, most shale gas production wide distribution, large thickness, and the universal gas, which makes shale gas wells can be long-term stable the rate of gas production.


Implementation methods of frac sand fracturing process uses sand

Implementation methods of frac sand fracturing process uses sand the ends off the frac sand technology uses one thousand EMU will viscosity frac sand fluid and filling gravel unconsolidated sandstone formations by significantly higher absorption capacity of displacement, high resin coated silica sand ratio, high pump pressure the laminated crack wide open after a short and filled with a lot of gravel, sand forming the ends off, then the inner tube empty gravel loop filling. Short wide gravel filling cracks frac sand the formation of dense, clogged with pollution through the bottom of the well, and makes unconsolidated sandstone oil flow pattern by radial natural gas fracturing becomes linear pre-construction flow, greatly reducing bottomhole producing pressure drop and liquid flow rate reduce output fluid carrying sand on the formation and to control sand production and enhance near-wellbore reservoir flow capacity, with a significant increase yield and reduce the heavy oil thermal recovery steam injection pressure effect, the combined effect of good shale gas. frac sand fracturing and gravel packing involves two processes, from the program points, there are two steps to complete the process and the completion of a string method.Two-step method is the complete frac sand and gravel packing twice the construction is completed, the completion of the so-called first column refers to the use of gravel packing method of construction prior to the formation frac sand string filled, and then the gravel screen casing annulus filled within , once construction is completed by two processes trip string.


Shale gas is mined out from shale gas

Shale gas is mined out from shale gas, shale or dark subject at high carbon shale, the shale gas is adsorbed on the body in order to exist in the free state or shale, high-carbon mudstone, shale and pink sandwich on sandy rocks in natural gas, which can generate various stages proppant production of organic causes the body to free gas phase (about 50%) present in the cracks, porosity and other reservoir space to adsorption state (about 50%) exists in kerogen, clay particles and pore surface, a very small amount is stored in a dissolved state kerogen, asphaltene and petroleum. Natural gas is also present in siltstone, silty mudstone, muddy siltstone sandwich-like, or even sandstone formations. After gas generation, the nearest gathered in the source rock, showing typical. Shale gas exploitation in situ reservoir model, the Fracturing proppants difference with the oil shale, oil sands, bitumen and other large. Conventional reservoir gas reservoir is different, both shale gas generated source rocks, but also gather and save gas reservoir and cap rock. Therefore, the organic matter content of the black shale, mudstone and other high-carbon is often the best conditions for the development of shale gas. Shale gas development has a wide range of geological significance, is present in almost all of the basin, but due to the depth of burial, gas saturation and other large differences with different industrial value respectively. Fractured shale gas Chinese traditional sense, shale oil and gas reservoirs, fractured shale reservoirs, fractured reservoirs, etc. roughly equivalent to this, but did not consider frac proppant the mechanism of adsorption is not considered one of the native properties of natural gas, and in understanding the body is gathered in the cracks in the shale oil and gas in free phase. Therefore belong to shale gas incomplete sense. Therefore, China's fractured shale reservoirs concept and connotation of shale gas in the United States today are not the same, respectively, in the material content of hydrocarbons, storage phase, there is a big difference between the source characteristics and chemical composition and other aspects.


Unconventional gas shale in unconventional day

Because conventional multi-layer fracturing proppant density, high degree of subsidence, resulting in the upper part of the small layer of the lack of effective support, for underground geotechnical engineering brigade to carry out a full filling cracks fracturing ceramic proppant manufacturers technology unconventional gas research, the technology is in critical pressure when adding crack density proppant, proppant in the fracture to prevent excessive settlement, so that all the pressure to open the reservoir to get unconventional gas effective support to ensure the well production. The technology recently conducted the first field trials in the state 28-24 wells, increasing pressure after oil 3 tons. Research preferred proppant is currently the lowest density used in fracturing proppant, consistent Oil fracturing proppant with the water density, can achieve full suspended in the unconventional gas fracturing fluid and proppant high intensity; most important feature of the process is laid proppant concentration is low, only conventional proppant concentration laid tenth, can greatly reduce the unconventional gas size of proppant use, reduce the amount of fracturing fluid, reduce production costs while also reducing the damage to the reservoir.Most proppant conductivity extensive shale gas production distribution, large thickness, and unconventional gas, which makes shale gas wells can be long-term in order to stabilize the rate of gas production. Unconventional gas, a kind of free or adsorbed state hiding in shale or clay formations in unconventional days. Unconventional gas and natural gas, are becoming agitated world market forces.


Frac sand fracturing process for a particular

Fracturing is a special process method differs from conventional fracturing frac sand fracturing, it can change the normal size ratio cracks to some extent, to achieve filling "short wide crack" special purpose, in order to meet certain the high permeability reservoir fracturing of ceramic proppant manufacturers special needs. "De-fracturing technology" is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1, a brief overview of the main research areas of special research requirements fracturing technology system and the removal of frac sand fracturing. Chapter 2 briefly describes the removal of frac sand fracturing technology generation and development process and formation ultra lightweight proppant fluid flow patterns from fracturing study analyzes the necessity of the implementation of high-permeability formations off the frac sand fracturing. Chapter 3 discusses the cracks in the surrounding frac sand off the frac sand off the microscopic mechanism and technical conditions. Chapter 4 discusses the control mechanism of the cracks around the belt off of crack propagation. Chapter 5 discusses the three-dimensional crack propagation law resin coated silica sand and crack off the frac sand in front of the one-dimensional variation off the frac sand after. Chapter 6 summarizes the removal of sand fracturing design methods, including time off the sand off the sands of time to design and limited, and the amount of fluid distribution design methods.


Mined shale gas unconventional gas resources

Shale gas is mined from shale out of a very important unconventional gas resources. Shale gas formation and enrichment has its own unique characteristics, often larger thickness distribution in the basin wide distribution of hydrocarbon source rock shale formations. Compared to more conventional natural gas, shale gas development has a long mine life and long production cycle advantages, most extensive Shale gas revolution production distribution, large thickness, and generally contain gas, which makes shale gas wells can be long-term in order to stabilize the rate of gas production. Shale gas, a kind of free or adsorbed state hiding in shale or clay formations in unconventional days. petroleum proppant and natural gas, are becoming agitated world market forces. This is called the international energy community "game changer" gas, which greatly changed the energy landscape of the world. Especially occur in unconventional shale gas. Also an dense shale rock, it can also be classified as tight gas gas. Industrial development is only achieved success in North America (mainly the United States). It began in the Devonian ceramic proppant suppliers of the Appalachian Basin, is dark brown and black, rich in organic matter, can be a lot of angry. Cracks in the main reservoir space, and in the form of water-soluble gas and adsorbed gas occurrence, for low (negative) pressure, low saturation (about 30%), and thus to low yield. But in the fracture zone will receive a higher yield, underground explosions and reform measures, such as the effect of fracturing or. The mid-1990s, has been expanded to Michigan and Illinois basins, producing layer expanded to the Lower Carboniferous shale, production reached 8.4 billion cubic meters. Its resources up to several trillion cubic meters. Sinopec in eastern northeast drilled five appraisal wells, including two wells to obtain industrial air, preferably a building block of South Yellow equality favorable. CNOOC in regions to carry out preparatory work for shale gas exploration. Petroleum three continental shale gas wells to obtain discovery. United Coal in Basin proposed and three shale gas favorable areas.


Maide frac sand certain acidic solution and so on

Fracturing fluid
Fracturing fluid is the fluid mine (gas, steam, oil, fresh water, salt water, hot water, etc.) in the mining process, in order to obtain high yield and borrow liquid conduction force (such as hydro, etc.) used in fracturing fluids.
Fracturing fluid is divided into two types: the first one Maide Ceramics/china
is water as a dispersion medium such as water-based fracturing fluid thickened water, gel, oil in water emulsions, water-based foam and certain acidic solution and so on. The second is mineral oil as a dispersion medium such as oil-based fracturing fluid thickened oil, oil-in-water emulsion, oil-based foam.
2 Features
Fracturing fluid performance requirements: good high viscosity, lubricity is good, a small amount of fluid loss, low friction, to be fracturing fluid layer without clogging and damage, fluid mine pollution, thermal stability and shear stability , low residue, good compatibility, broken plastic rapid, wide supply, ease of preparation, economical and reasonable.
Hydraulic fracturing is a process oil in a large displacement of the ceramic proppants ground using high pressure pump, the pressure of the pressure transmission principle using a liquid, the liquid having a viscosity (usually called fracturing fluid) to be greater than the absorption capacity of the oil reservoir injection, and to gradually increase the pressure in the wellbore, which hold the bottom from the pressure, when the pressure is greater than the near wellbore formation rock to stress and tensile strength, it cracks near the bottom strata: Continue injected with with the proppant sand carrying fluid to fill the crack extends forwardly proppant in the fracture closure shut the proppant to form a sand-filled fracture geometry and having a high conductivity in the vicinity of the bottom of the formation, is well to increase production by injection purposes. Which is also known as proppant fracturing fluid. Fracturing fluid can be divided into: A water-based fracturing fluids (water fracturing fluid thickener, water gel fracturing fluid, oil in water fracturing fluids, water-based foam fracturing fluid); B oil-based fracturing fluid ( thickened oil fracturing fluid, oil gel fracturing fluid, fracturing oil-in-water fracturing fluids, oil-based foam fracturing fluid). C emulsion fracturing fluid; D pure gas fracturing fluid 


Maide shale gas Coal bed methane is itself self-generated from

Status of CBM development
Survey: China to carry out CBM exploration companies is not much more powerful coal-bed methane company is one of the few, mainly in Shanxi and Henan and other places for mining, such as PetroChina Coalbed Methane Company, in conjunction, Orion, Asia United States mainland, Greka, Shanxi stim lab coalbed methane companies, these companies are mostly foreign.
According to "China's coalbed methane resources exploration and investment prospects Analysis Market Outlook Report Outlook" [5] data show that global shallow depth of about 240 trillion cubic meters in 2000 meters of coalbed methane resources, which is twice more than proven reserves of conventional natural gas the world's major coal-producing countries have attached great importance to the development of coalbed methane. Exploitation started the United States, Britain, Germany, Russia and other countries of CBM earlier, mainly in the former coal mining drainage and drainage ways Gob closed drainage CBM industry is more mature. Early 1980s, the United States began to experiment with the application of conventional oil and gas wells (ie, surface drilling) and get coalbed methane exploration breakthrough, marking the world's coal-bed methane development has entered a new phase.
Coal bed methane is itself self-generated from unconventional gas reservoir type, there are 74 countries in the world bears the coalbed methane resources in China amounted to 36.8 trillion cubic meters of coalbed methane resources, ranking third in the world. China CBM resources of about 10 trillion cubic meters, total proven reserves of 102.3 billion cubic meters of methane gas, recoverable reserves of about 47 billion cubic meters. 95% of the country's coal-bed methane resources are located in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan and Anhui, and four gas-bearing area, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia, petroleum proppant/isp  which contains the largest area of ??coalbed methane gas resources for 17.25 trillion cubic meters, accounting for about 50% of the country's total coalbed methane resources.
In 2006, China will coalbed methane development included in the "Eleventh Five-Year" energy development plan, and to develop a specific implementation measures, ushered in the industrial development of coalbed methane good opportunity for development. Since 2007, the government has unveiled a broken franchise, tax incentives, financial subsidies and many other supportive policies to encourage the development and utilization of CBM, the rapid development of China's CBM industry, industrial prototype fade.
In 2007, the national gas extraction 4.735 billion cubic meters, the use of 1.446 billion cubic meters. Where underground coal mine gas drainage capacity 4.4 billion cubic meters, completed 127% planning goals. Formation of CBM production capacity of 100,000 cubic meters, is 2-fold in 2006. CBM production 330 million cubic meters, an increase of more than double in 2006. From 2005 to 2007, a total of approximately 1,700 drilling, drilling accounted for 85% of total accumulated over the years.
As of the end of 2007, the domestic proven reserves of 134 billion cubic meters of methane gas, coal bed methane in the commercial production of less than 400 million cubic meters. According to "the CBM (coal gas) development and utilization of the" Eleventh Five-Year "plan", 2010, new coal-bed methane reserves of 300 billion cubic meters of proven geological; bed methane, coal mine gas drainage capacity 10 billion cubic meters; construction seams gas pipeline 10, the total designed capacity of 6.5 billion cubic meters gas; key construction Basin, ceramic proppant  Erdos Basin Dongyuan two coalbed methane industry base.


Maide unconventional gas For further expand cooperation in matters of foreign

methane foreign cooperation
Foreign Briefing
Coalbed methane gas energy as one of the three members of the family, and the exploration and development of natural gas, gas hydrates, as more and more attention around the world. Global buried at 2000 m depth of about 240 trillion proppant production cubic meters of CBM resources. The United States is the world's countries most successful commercial development of coalbed methane, and from 1983 to 1995 in 12 years, annual CBM production soared from 170 million cubic meters to 25 billion cubic meters, in 2005 production reached 50 billion cubic meters of CBM meters. Expected after the 2020-2030 years ago, gas in the world energy mix will catch up and exceed the proportion of coal and oil. Experts predict that by 2010 China will reach 30 billion cubic meters of gas gap; 2020 will reach 100 billion cubic meters. In China's primary energy consumption structure, coal accounted for 74.6%, 17.6% oil, natural gas accounted for only 2%, well below the world average of 23%. With the final energy demand gradually to quality and efficient clean energy transformation, rapid growth in demand for natural gas. Development and utilization of coal-bed methane gas in the energy consumption can be constituted in the proportion increased to 10% in 2010.
For further expand cooperation in matters of foreign ultra lightweight proppant exploitation of coalbed methane notice:
Shang Zi Han [2007] No. 94
Provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, separately listed cities and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, development and reform department, land and resources management department of China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation, the China National Coal Group Corporation, Shenhua Group Corporation Limited company, China United Coalbed Methane Co., Ltd.:
In order to improve our coalbed methane (coal gas) treatment and utilization of the status quo, the full introduction of foreign advanced technology and utilization of coalbed methane exploration and exploitation, to achieve security and development, clean development and conservation development goals, approved by the State Council, is to further expand notice of the matter coalbed methane exploitation of foreign cooperation as follows:
First, in accordance with the principles of both break-exclusive franchise to attract domestic and international experience, the strength of enterprises to participate in coalbed methane development, but also to avoid the "bull outside" by the Ministry of Commerce, National Development and Reform Commission jointly with relevant departments in China United Coalbed Methane Co., Ltd. then select a number of outside companies, the State Council approved in the region with foreign enterprises to develop cooperative exploitation of coalbed methane pilot.
Second, the exploitation of coalbed methane pilot enterprises should have the ability and experience of some foreign cooperation, compliance law, capital adequacy, with a range of external cooperation and including the proposed coal-bed methane blocks of coal mining rights or mining rights. List of pilot enterprises with relevant research Posed by the Ministry of Commerce, National Development and Reform Commission, focus on encouraging large state-owned coal mining enterprises and companies involved in oil and gas. Pilot enterprises to declare the matter as follows:
(A) reporting procedures
The applicant enterprises by the provincial commerce department where, after preliminary development and reform department, the Ministry of Commerce, Development and Reform Commission to apply. Enterprises directly under the proppant testing central Ministry of Commerce, Development and Reform Commission to apply directly.
(B) the application materials
A reason to participate in the pilot coalbed methane exploitation of external cooperation;
2, the basic situation of enterprises, including firm size, the main business, development status and development planning;
3, corporate finance and credit, including registered capital, bank credit, corporate financial status reports and audit reports for the last three years and so on;
4, cooperation with foreign enterprises to participate in the project's historical performance reports or relevant certificates;
5 bed methane mining enterprise technology, capacity and other related note, including the list of technical equipment and certificates of employees;
6, other materials that need to provide.
(C) Reporting Time
After the declaration of pilot enterprises related materials submitted, please provincial commerce department and the development and reform departments to do preliminary work in accordance with the notification requirements, November 31 the Ministry of Commerce and the National Development and Reform Commission.
Third, as a partner of foreign companies should have: (1) at least more than five years of experience in the exploration and development of coalbed methane; (2) coalbed methane exploration and development of advanced technologies and corresponding technical team; (3) organization coalbed methane (4) good credit and adequate funding; management capabilities exploration and development operations.
Qualified foreign cooperative audit by the Ministry of Commerce.
Fourth, the pilot enterprises should carry out international cooperation within the region approved by the State Council, the approval process handled in accordance with current regulations.
The two sides need foreign cooperation contract, unless otherwise provided by law, regulation or contract provides otherwise, the contract shall be signed by the foreign enterprise (hereinafter referred to as foreign contractors) to provide exploration funding alone, and bear the risk of exploration; find commercial After mining the value of coalbed methane resources, foreign contractors and the Chinese pilot enterprises developed by joint investment cooperation; construction work of both exploration and development of cooperation can be shared or their sole responsibility, or by a third party engineering construction contracting.
Six foreign contractor in accordance with the contract can recover its investment and expenses from the production of coalbed methane in and get paid. They may, in accordance with relevant state regulations and the contract, it should have shipped abroad or coalbed methane in the territory sales. Domestic sales, generally acquired by the Chinese pilot enterprises can also be set up in our country by foreign contractors for businesses selling to a third party, but not in violation of state regulations concerning the sale of coalbed methane in our country. Foreign investment contracts could legally, profits and other lawful income remitted abroad its recovery.
Seven pilot reference to other matters, "External Cooperation Exploitation of Onshore Petroleum Resources People's Republic of China" (State Council Decree No. 317) management, execution.
Eight coal mining permits have been obtained blocks, stim lab coal bed methane mining process along the ground and underground drainage recovery, coal mining rights to foreign cooperation, are not included in the scope of management of coalbed methane foreign cooperation franchise, but it should be implemented in accordance with relevant laws and regulations in force foreign cooperation or foreign investment.
Nine, the relevant departments should strengthen international cooperation in the exploration and exploitation of CBM activities supervision and management, supervision and cooperation between the two countries strictly enforce the basic requirements for a minimum amount of investment in exploration and construction period.
Department of Commerce
National Development and Reform Commission
October 17, 2007


ultralight weight Fracturing fluid

Fracturing fluid
Fracturing fluid is the fluid mine (gas, steam, oil, fresh water, salt water, hot water, etc.) in the mining process, in order to obtain high yield and borrow liquid conduction force (such as hydro, etc.) used in fracturing fluids.
Fracturing fluid is divided into two types: the first one is water as a proppant suppliers dispersion medium such as water-based fracturing fluid thickened water, gel, oil in water emulsions, water-based foam and certain acidic solution and so on. The second is mineral oil as a dispersion medium such as oil-based fracturing fluid thickened oil, oil-in-water emulsion, oil-based foam.
2 Features
Fracturing fluid performance requirements: good high viscosity, lubricity is good, a small amount of fluid loss, low friction, to be fracturing fluid layer without clogging and damage, fluid mine pollution, thermal stability and shear stability , low residue, good compatibility, broken plastic rapid, wide supply, ease of preparation, economical and reasonable.
Hydraulic fracturing is a process oil in a large displacement of the ground using high pressure pump, the pressure of the pressure transmission principle using a liquid, the liquid having a viscosity (usually called fracturing fluid) to be greater than the absorption capacity of the oil reservoir injection, and to gradually increase the pressure in the wellbore, which hold the bottom from the pressure, when the pressure is greater than the ultralight weight near wellbore formation rock to stress and tensile strength, it cracks near the bottom strata: Continue injected with with the proppant sand carrying fluid to fill the crack extends forwardly proppant in the fracture closure shut the proppant to form a sand-filled fracture geometry and having a high conductivity in the vicinity of the bottom of the formation, is well to increase production by injection purposes. Which is also known as proppant fracturing fluid. Fracturing fluid can be divided into: A water-based fracturing fluids (water fracturing fluid thickener, water gel fracturing fluid, oil in water fracturing fluids, water-based foam fracturing fluid); B oil-based fracturing fluid ( thickened oil fracturing fluid, oil gel fracturing fluid, oil-in-water fracturing fluids, ceramic proppant manufacturers oil-based foam fracturing fluid). C emulsion fracturing fluid; D pure gas fracturing fluid 


Introduction Coalbed Methane

Coalbed methane commonly known as "gas", whose main ingredient is CH4 (methane), associated with coal, [1] to the adsorption state stored in the seam unconventional natural Hydraulic Fracturing Proppants gas calorific value is 

Universal Coal 2-5 times, mainly composed of methane. Net calorific value of 1 m3 of coalbed methane gas equivalent to 1.13kg, 1.21kg of coal, and natural gas calorific value rather 

Can be mixed with natural gas output mix, and very clean combustion, [2] virtually no emissions, is a good industry, chemical industry, power generation and residential fuel 

Material. When the CBM air concentration up to 5% -16%, in case of fire will explode, which is the root cause of coal mine gas explosion. Coalbed methane emitted directly into the proppant suppliers atmosphere, which 

Approximately 21 times the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide on the ecological environment devastating. If coal mining before the first coal bed methane, coal mine gas explosion rate will be reduced to 70% 

To 85%. Development and utilization of CBM has multiple purposes efficacy: clean energy, commercialization can produce huge economic benefits. 
National development policies 

National Energy Board issued "CBM industry policy," the silence want to change the momentum of development of coalbed methane, coal-bed methane industry to clean up institutional barriers will send the CBM industry 

Exhibition has become an important emerging energy industry. 
Degree of attention from the national perspective, the CBM has been incorporated to promote an important carrier of energy production and consumption revolution. Energy Board proposed development objectives are: "Twelve Five" period 

Rooms, built in Qinshui basin and the eastern fracturing fluid edge of the Ordos Basin coal-bed methane industry base. Then 5-10 years, 3-5 new industrial base, to achieve the CBM open 

Fat utilization and engineering services, major equipment manufacturing and other related industries and coordinated development.

shale gas Introduction Coalbed Methane

Introduction Coalbed Methane
Coalbed methane commonly known as "gas", whose main ingredient is CH4 (methane), associated with coal, [1] to the adsorption state stored in the seam unconventional natural gas calorific value is
Universal Coal 2-5 times, mainly composed of methane. Net calorific value of 1 m3 of coalbed methane gas equivalent to suppliers/ceramic proppant  1.13kg, 1.21kg of coal, and natural gas calorific value rather
Can be mixed with natural gas output mix, and very clean combustion, [2] virtually no emissions, is a good industry, chemical industry, power generation and residential fuel
Material. When the CBM air concentration up to 5% -16%, in case of fire will explode, which is the root cause of coal mine gas explosion. Coalbed methane emitted directly into the atmosphere, which
Approximately 21 times the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide on the ecological environment devastating. If coal mining before the first coal bed methane, coal mine gas explosion rate will be reduced to 70%
To 85%. Development and utilization of CBM has multiple purposes efficacy: clean energy, commercialization can produce huge economic benefits.
National development policies
National Energy Board issued "CBM proppant production industry policy," the silence want to change the momentum of development of coalbed methane, coal-bed methane industry to clean up institutional barriers will send the CBM industry
Exhibition has become an important emerging energy industry.
Degree of attention from the national perspective, the CBM has been incorporated to promote an important carrier of energy production and consumption revolution. Energy Board proposed development objectives are: "Twelve Five" period
Rooms, built in Qinshui basin and the eastern edge of the Ordos Basin coal-bed methane industry base. Then 5-10 years, 3-5 new industrial base, to achieve the CBM open
Fat utilization and engineering services, major equipment manufacturing and other related industries and well fracking coordinated development.


How to properly use and improve the efficiency of the drilling machine

Drilling machine is mainly used for drilling use, easy to use , can improve the efficiency of the maide oil well fracking , make work more relaxed? Of course , here I am for everyone to talk about in detail how to properly use and improve the efficiency of the drilling machine .
Before drilling machine operations , it is necessary to check each component , the water from the drainage holes into the well pipe . And commissioning organizations , recognizing normal , can the job.
        Piling place needs a flat , solid, clean, no power lines, no obstructions , the well should not be playing too deep, usually 8-12m match fit. Underground no holes, no buried objects , rain no water , when moving away from the ground water level sm above , do not use the well type and construction safety zone should be set up to stop pedestrians entering or remaining . ties should be laid flat on the ground on a solid trajectory grounding resistance less than 10Ω, rail spacing error shall not exceed ± 0.6cm, track fittings plate convergence necessary strong.
        Matters relating to the operation of maide Coal seam gas machinery is to have a strict rule , such as the most basic needs of the drilling machine operator that is necessary to certificates, so before drilling a large grain of salt added to the flower tube and abide by the safety rules and safety ten production discipline . drainage holes are not blocked so that salt gradually melted into the well ,
        Power wires, motors and guillotine wiring is correct, outstanding insulation voltage error shall not exceed ± 5%, the construction of small -diameter tube wells , often use small drilling rig to the depth certainly will be processed under good wall pipe to the well if when two motors must operate together , should certainly every moment to launch when staking frame board when board over 10 ~ 20cm , should stop viewing, sustainable rise in various parts of the normal rear.

Oil and gas well fracturing sand Mechanism and Application of Technology

In the process of oil and gas exploration , oil sand has great dangers , the light can affect the normal production of oil wells , heavy oil can be scrapped. Thus , in the mining process must adopt effective measures sand . Currently the most commonly used for perforating wells sand filling method is mainly underground gravel and sand in the chemistry of solid pipe , although there is a better sand effect, but has a relatively low yield, severely restricted the production wells , wells not solve the fundamental sand problems. To this end it is necessary to study the effect of a good maide resin coated frac sand ,sand valid long , does not affect the method of oil sand production capacity , fracturing and sand combination of complex technology called fracturing sand .
Mechanism of oil and gas wells and sand hazards
From the rock mechanics point of view, there are two mechanisms reservoir sand : the shear failure and tensile failure mechanism . In addition to these two mechanisms , but also includes a maide Coal seam gas particle migration mechanism .Shear failure mechanism . As the rock near the wellbore and perforations suffered circumferential stress and radial stress is too large , causing the rock shear failure , causing  maide fracturing fluid  .
Tensile failure mechanism . When mined , the friction stress around the wellbore fluid gradient and under the action of carrying rocks to withstand tensile stress when this stress exceeds the tensile strength of the rock, the rock tensile failure .Sand particle transport mechanism . In production, the production of pressure or excessive production , acting on the formation of particles too large to pull the drag force , will move particulate formation , leading to decreased formation permeability around the bottom , thus increasing the drag of the fluid drag force , and solid particles may induce output .Sand hazards mainly in the following areas: reduction or stoppage of work ; abrasive surface and downhole equipment ; casing damaged wells scrapped ; loss of production time ; economic and technical losses of oil and gas wells.


Fracturing sand tank car maintenance to be mastered "avoid " word tips

fracturing sand tank car maintenance work to be done , parts and maintenance "avoid " word three tips: avoid the heat, to avoid dirty, avoid trans .
Avoid heat
Fracturing sand tank car engine piston temperature is too high , easily lead to overheating occurs hold a welded cylinder ; rubber seals , triangle belt , tire overheating, easy to premature aging , performance degradation and shorten life ; starter, alternator , regulator superheater coils and other electrical equipment , easily destroyed and scrapped.
Avoid dirty
Fracturing sand tank car fuel filter , oil filter, air filter , hydraulic oil filter and various filters and other parts if it is too dirty , it will lead to poor filtration effect . Tanks heat sink, air-cooled engine cylinder block and cylinder head fins , coolers, heat sinks and other components too dirty , it will result in poor cooling , the temperature is too high.
Anti- avoidance
Fracturing sand tank car engine cylinder head gasket can not hold against during installation, otherwise it will lead to premature cylinder head gasket erosion damage ; unavailable when the engine fan blades installed backwards ; to have the direction of the tire tread , herringbone tread tires , installed after ground prints sharp words should make people pointing the rear .


Shale gas is generated

Shale gas is mined out from shale gas , shale or body located in dark carbon shale , the  maide Shale gas revolution is adsorbed on the body in order to exist in the free state or mudstone, carbon mudstone , shale and pink sandwich on sandy rocks in natural gas, which can be generated in various stages of organic origin of natural gas subject to the free phase ( about 50% ) present in the cracks , porosity and other reservoir space to adsorption state ( about 50% ) present in kerogen , clay particles and pore surface , a very small amount is stored in a dissolved state kerogen , asphaltenes and petroleum . Natural gas is also present in siltstone , silty mudstone , muddy siltstone sandwich -like , or even sandstone formations . After the gas generated in the source rock gathered nearby , the performance of a typical
Shale gas
Situ accumulation mode and differential oil shale, oil sands, bitumen and other large . Different from conventional reservoirs and gas reservoirs , maide gas fracking  generated by both the source rock is gathered and stored gas reservoir and cap rock . Therefore , the high organic content of black shale , mudstone carbon is often the best conditions for the development of shale gas .
Shale gas development has extensive geological significance , present in almost all of the basin , just because burial depth , gas saturation and other big difference with different industrial value , respectively . Fractured shale gas Chinese traditional sense , shale oil and gas reservoirs , fractured shale reservoirs , fractured reservoirs , etc. This is quite roughly , but did not consider the mechanism of adsorption is not considered one of the primary attributes of natural gas and understanding of the body is gathered in the cracks in the shale oil and gas in free phase . Shale gas is not complete and therefore belongs sense. Therefore , China 's fractured shale reservoirs concept and connotation of shale gas in the United States today are not the same , namely, the material content of hydrocarbons , storage phase , there is a big difference between the source characteristics and chemical composition and other aspects .

Well sand fracturing sand blocking factors

Sand plug is the most direct cause of the failure of fracturing , especially tight clastic gas reservoir maide fracturing sand in the Sichuan region , the higher the chance of blocking sand , sand blocking factors affecting and more complex , including the formation factors, the fracturing fluid factors , engineering factors , design factors , how to effectively prevent sand blocking the generation of design and construction has been a fracturing operation was tricky puzzles . For large tower farm wells constructed TX-7 complex engineering geological characteristics and sand blocking characteristics, according to the results of the test and the main fracturing fracturing and curve data analysis and processing , analysis and evaluation of multiple fractures of the wells produce sand blocking the wellbore and the effects of different levels of near wellbore friction ,maide oil well fracking fluid efficiency and other factors, and for a large stretch of sand tower field structure for the ultra-low permeability reservoirs interbedded thin , high near wellbore friction , fluid loss coefficient and other complex geological and engineering features , proposed preferred perforation intervals , slug down friction , silt temporary blocking , filtering and other recommendations viscous liquid down a number of important technical measures , the conclusions and recommendations of the Sichuan region of dense gas reservoir rocks the fracturing of important guiding significance.


Mechanism of oil and gas wells and sand hazards

From the rock mechanics point of view, there are two mechanisms reservoir sand : the shear failure and tensile failure mechanism . In addition to these two mechanisms , but also includes a maide Coal seam gas particle migration mechanism .Shear failure mechanism . As the rock near the wellbore and perforations suffered circumferential stress and radial stress is too large , causing the rock shear failure , causing formation sand .Tensile failure mechanism . When mined , the friction stress around the maide frac proppant fluid gradient and under the action of carrying rocks to withstand tensile stress when this stress exceeds the tensile strength of the rock, the rock tensile failure .Sand particle transport mechanism . In production, the production of pressure or excessive production , acting on the formation of particles too large to pull the drag force , will move particulate formation , leading to decreased formation permeability around the bottom , thus increasing the drag of the fluid drag force , and solid particles may induce output .Sand hazards mainly in the following areas: reduction or stoppage, abrasive surface and downhole equipment , casing damaged wells scrapped , lost production time, the economic and technical losses such as oil and gas wells .

Fracturing sand tank truck drivers beware stuffed in a car accident driving interference

Driving interference potential hazards : No turning the turn ; parking the car in front suddenly turn left and you did not have time to react , pulled out of the driveway ...... attention due to the fracturing of normal car driver Shaguan disturbance arising from lack of concentration , is becoming important reason for the accident .
The so-called driving interference is caused by anything fracturing Shaguan car driver's eyes, hands or attention away from the driving task , such as watching outside the square , tune radio channels , pay attention to the car 's children , phone calls, talking with passengers , eating things , look at the map , etc. All these activities will result in fracturing sand tank truck driver distracted and dangerous accident .
Fracturing resin coated frac sand tank car manufacturers Security reminder: To achieve safe driving , be sure to observe the three security elements .
One eye focused way. Think well before departure or planned route ; If you have a cell phone , try to use voice or abbreviated dialing ; do not take notes while driving , do not look up phone numbers .
Second, keep your hands off the steering wheel . Before departure familiar fracturing Shaguan car equipment functions ; pre- tuned radio and air conditioning ; may be fixed traffic moving objects ; while driving if items dropped on the floor , do not pick up, such as when a parked car and then picking it not later ; teach children to develop good riding habits, pick up the child , smoothly pulled out of traffic to pull over ; avoid smoking , eating , drinking while driving ; do not answer the phone while driving , using a mobile phone message function , and so drove safety zone and park before playing back.
Third, concentrate on driving . If you find that lack of energy , a little rest and then hit the road when driving ; let passengers in the car to help " find a way ." Do yourself while driving view maps and navigation systems ; Do not use the phone while driving with passengers or unpleasant conversation , when using the phone's handsfree function , it tends to distract yourself .


Fracturing sand tank car red light when Mo variable line

Maide fracturing sand tank truck drivers to drive will encounter this situation , on the road , I noticed a red light in front of your own driveway has a car parked in that , while the lane next to no cars parked there , in order to be able to change the green light when hurry away, in this case I believe most will choose to change from their driveway onto the lane without a car , but that such a move you're illegal , and illegal reasons: compaction line.
Is the intersection between the solid line dividing lanes open, while we learn traffic rules when driving do not go compaction line should be the most impressive , but at certain moments such as the above said case or to go to work during the peak period , see which lanes empty lanes wanted where to go , the result of compaction line, you say this ticket that you eat at a loss .
For the red line becomes the practice of fracturing sand tank car is not only a violation of the intersection , etc. , or dangerous if you change the lane to the rear of a sudden a car drove up is likely to hit you , that if you touch someone looking porcelain child , you one hundred fair hearing , compaction line violation, the full responsibility .
Fracturing sand tank car Reminder: Ning -thirds undisputed second, for that early out for a few seconds that you bear such a big risk not worth when the


Fracturing sand ratio improved to reduce costs

     In the  maide fracturing proppants process, by increasing the fracturing sand ratio, reducing the formation of sand-carrying fluid injected, thus reducing construction costs fracturing fluid; while also reducing the original oil plant production costs, the overall economic benefit is very significant, the technology has been widely used in maide oil fracturing proppant field.
Reduce production costs, has become the primary means to further improve the economic efficiency of enterprises are diverse ways to reduce costs through technological innovation, the use applicable to this industry, new technologies, new processes to achieve lower production costs, improve economic efficiency one more and more enterprises to adopt the most effective ways to reduce the cost of efficiency. Fracturing fluid is an important industry has an annual output value of the fracturing fluid per unit of output in the whole proportion are biased on, we can say, fracturing efficiency is directly related to the quality of economic units. In recent years, with the increase, the natural growth rate of oilfield fracturing relationship to be able to complete the task the company issued full-year production targets.


What is the host structure well drilling rig

We all know that there are many types of drilling machines , think a lot of families in rural areas almost all the wells with a drilling machine to play , then the structure of the maide well drilling machine what is it ? Following on from Xinxiang Jia Electrical Equipment to tell us about .
Here are the host structure under water maide horizontal drilling rig .
1 Chassis Chassis Chassis Chassis tire chassis . Drag the end of the walk.
2 frame welding layout frame welded to the chassis , when erect carriage bolts and the frame can be used as one of convergence , progress carriage stiffness.
3 carriage carriage carriage carriage carriage welding layout , choice of hot-rolled carbon steel channel and side rails as a counter turned around , after a one-way throttle valve control cylinder smooth landing . Operating table level meter and instrument control their viewpoint straight degrees.
4 organized by hydraulic motor , reverse gear box components. Two high-performance low speed high torque hydraulic motor drive reverse gear box , get a different torque and speed .
5 Some push push push some some some push push push some of the fuel tank , wire rope , skateboards and other components. Extend and retract the cylinder push rod , the femoral artery and pulley block , sliding through the rope so that skateboarding around the carriage , and then drill the end of the road and retreat. Optional inserts layout on a skateboard , a useful cut slide wear. Deep drilling in axial compression can recuperate .
6 swing- swing- centering centering swing- swing- centering centering centering unscrew type can be divided into two halves, the outer half of the hinge selection can be unscrewed by hand . Can supply a wide opening at the top of the operating room , the dust cover to make the working environment clean , clean.
7 leveling jacks leveling jacks leveling jacks leveling jack with four hydraulic cylinder components can be quickly leveling rigs , hydraulic lock prevents jack activities.
8 . Deputy vice winch winch winch deputy vice- hydraulic motor driven winch winch can lift drilling or sensitively aids 0.8 tons or less .
9 console console console console console from the console frame , manual valve , relief valve , control valve, pressure gauge , various pipes, engine appearance, throttle cable , turn off the cable , throttle control and other components. All control functions are gathered at the operating table , easy to operate , saving time and effort. The operator can stand there to meet the operational area of the pedals .
10 hydraulic system hydraulic system hydraulic system hydraulic system hydraulic system consists of hydraulic tank , hydraulic pump ( double pump ) , hydraulic motors , hydraulic valves , tube , hose, hydraulic oil filter and pressure gauge components.
The above description of the structure that is the host of well drilling rig , after reading , you are not understanding the ah ?


Drilling machine malfunction caused the causes and solutions

With the extensive application of drilling machines , drilling machines when using , be sure to pay attention to application of the product , once the failure requires an immediate solution to the surface equipment delay the construction period , resulting in the following two reasons do not operate drilling rigs and solutions .
One reason : the horizontal drilling machine itself causes no operations.
Solution: adding a certain amount of absorbent avoid operations.
The second reason : too much moisture particles .
Solution : Proper drying, reduce operating room temperature , humidity, avoid material moisture.
Not the cause of the drilling machine operators and solutions , present on these specialized agriculture machinery little research , the need for a lot of research , research and development for rural use of construction equipment . When looking at the use of groundwater resources, the need to move convenient and small drilling rig machine engineering equipment .


Hydraulic fracturing of shale gas wells

Because shale gas reservoirs display physical characteristics of low porosity and low permeability , so only a handful of naturally fractured Maide Coal seam gas development in particular can be directly put into production, but most of the shale gas wells after hydraulic fracturing fluid needs to get ideal production. Shale gas wells after hydraulic fracturing , the use of fracture monitoring technology can effectively evaluate the fracturing effect.
Monitoring through the cracks :
a) a better understanding of fracturing , get roughly the size of the cracks to determine whether or not a multi- fracturing cracks ;
b) After extracting yield better situation to determine whether to overwrite the target layer cracks , fractures and natural fractures analyze whether the cross ;
c) fracturing optimization and yield economic evaluation, fracture length and height growth with increasing number of construction scale can be obtained , for optimal fracture design .
So take an accurate understanding of fracture monitoring method is an effective means of expanding shale gas well fracturing .


Low-density proppant phenolic epoxy composites modified

Using liquid phenolic resin impregnated , coated with epoxy resin and then were prepared in a nut shell is Low density Maide proppants matrix composite material by INSTRON universal material testing Machine , TGA, SEM and other testing methods to test the performance of the composites. Studies have shown that phenolic impregnated When the concentration of a solution of 70% formaldehyde resins , composite materials under 60MPa pressure with a minimal amount of deformation
With the increase of the amount of epoxy resin particles in the surface coating layer under the pressure of 60MPa in the composite material ; value Gradually reducing the amount of deformation when the resin is greater than 25% , the amount of deformation changes little ; TGA showed Compound Improve the heat resistance of the material ; SEM found uncoated surface -modified particles have more holes, covering changes Of the smooth surface of the composite material , significantly reduced the holes ; microscope photo shows uncoated change
Under the pressure of 60MPa particles serious rupture, but no rupture phenomenon composites and particulate table There are obvious surface resin layer ; absorbing capacity from 30.45% down to 6.58% , solvent resistance significantly raise High .


Look for the drilling machine is supposed to do the preparatory work

Look for the drilling machine is supposed to do the preparatory work
Application of  drilling Maide frac sand machines work sometimes must be taken some preparatory work drilling machine products , these are very necessary , these are very necessary , we take a look at the ceramic ball drilling machine is supposed to do the preparatory work has what .In order to continuously improve the production capacity of the drilling machine for fast drilling , to ensure the normal operation of the drilling machine , drilling machine must be confirmed before driving


Performance Oil proppant requirements

Performance Oil proppant requirements: 1 , proppant sufficient compressive strength and wear resistance , can withstand strong pressure and friction when injected , and effectively support the artificial cracks. 2 , the relative density of the  natural gas fracking  particles must be low, to facilitate pumped downhole . 3 , proppant particles under conditions of a temperature of 200 degrees , and the fracturing fluid and the reservoir fluid is not a chemical effect , the solubility of the acid should be less than the maximum allowable value of 7% . Currently used mainly quartz sand oil well fracking,bauxite sand and resin-coated ceramic composite particles. Due to the low cost of quartz sand , while lower density easy to pump , has been widely used , but quartz sand strong low end , the ball is poor, reducing the fracture conductivity , does not apply to high pressure deep well closed . Composite resin coated quartz sand particles , sphericity improved corrosion resistance strong, conductivity is also good , but the products remain short- term , the cost is too high, the cost of the promotion of the supremacy of today is not easy , and the use of bauxite ceramic craft ceramic natural gas fracturing, high density, good sphericity , corrosion resistance , high temperature, high pressure, while costs can be better controlled , and therefore more widely used in oil and gas fields being . Practice has proved that the use of ceramic proppant fracturing oil wells can increase production by 30-50% , but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells , is the key material oil, gas wells in low permeability oil and gas exploration, construction , not only to increase oil and gas production , and more to extend the service life of oil and gas wells .


Select oil fracturing proppant

Oil fracturing proppant selection mainly includes the type, size and concentration. Select oil fracturing proppant and the pressure of the rock formations, environmental Maide proppant conductivity and yield requirements are closely linked. Should first consider when selecting Coal seam gas proppant nature and fracture flow capacity under certain geological, engineering conditions, combined with specific geological conditions (such as closure pressure, rock hardness, temperature, target layer properties) selected to meet the engineering conditions (fracturing fluid nature of pumping equipment), and can get a good yield results proppant. Second, you must also consider the economic benefits due to proppant variety, quality and origin conditions differences, there are differences proppant costs must be considered cost-effective, combining economics to analyze the preferred fracturing proppant.


Tap water burnable the phenomenon is caused shale gas

Tap water burnable the phenomenon is caused by hydraulic fracturing phenomenon. Hydraulic fracturing is to use a lot of mixed chemical water in hydraulic fracture to release gas shale formations. Hydraulic fracturing is the main form of exploitation of natural gas at lightweight proppant, the technology widely spread in the United States in a decade, but americans are worried about the technology will pollute the water, which endanger the local ecological environment and residents health. And that the technology has brought great harm to the environment, including water spontaneous combustion, triggered a small earthquake, etc.

When oil and shale gas exploration in deep

When oil and gas exploration in deep , high pressure low proppant manufacturing deposit closure after fracturing treatment, the rock cracked petroleum , oil and gas from the cracks in the channel formed by the pooled out. Along with a high-pressure high-alumina support material was filled into the formation in rock fissures , cracks do not play a supporting but closed due to stress release , thereby maintaining high conductivity , so that the oil and gas flow, increase production.


Shale gas use

Maide Shale gas revolution is a clean , efficient energy resources and chemical raw materials , mainly used for domestic and industrial fuels , chemicals and power generation and has broad prospects for development , the development and use of shale gas will help alleviate the shortage of oil and gas resources , increasing clean energy supply is an important supplement conventional energy sources .


Related to oil proppant

Oil fracturing proppant ( ceramic proppants ) is a ceramic particle product with high fracture strength , mainly for oilfield downhole support to increase production of oil and gas , an environmentally friendly product .
This product is the use of high-quality bauxite , coal and other raw materials, ceramic sintering , is a substitute for natural quartz sand , glass beads , metal balls and other low- strength proppant , to increase production of oil and gas has a positive effect .
 Practice has proved that the use of high-alumina fracturing proppant wells can increase production by 30-50% , but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells , is the key material oil, gas wells in low permeability oil and gas exploration, construction . Products used in deep fracturing when it is filled to the low permeability fractured rock deposits in high closed fracturing treatment to split hydrocarbon formations , play a supporting fissure is closed not because of stress release , thereby maintaining oil and gas high flow capacity , not only to increase oil and gas production , and more to extend the service life of oil and gas wells .


The main problem with the development of China's limited ceramic proppant industry

  Since " 15", especially since China's accession to WTO, the issue facing the industry ceramic proppant increasingly competitive market can not meet the need for rapid development of the national economy , has been unable to meet their complex market situation competitive situation . In recent years, Maide lightweight proppant industry to strengthen the exchange of the foreign exchange and industry , whether it is the industry compared with foreign countries in the same industry , or in contrast to each other our industry , are exposed to the problems and gaps, these issues are the future must be taken seriously .

1, due to the rigidity of the capital increase and other reasons , the difficulty of application technology research and development funds greater coordination and scheduling ;
2 , individual land approval procedures and technology enterprises are still the bottleneck of industrial development.
3 , enterprise development diseconomies of scale : the small and medium scale industries and enterprises mainly based, industry concentration is not high .
4 , a short time into the rapid growth of the industry manufacturers . Increased not only for manufacturers of Maide low density proppant comprehensive economic indicators contributed to the industry , but also for the market need for products to make a contribution. But in this situation rapidly growing market of high-end products in the market is not growing , but foreign suppliers call came . Similar products, backward technology is still in the market place . Ceramic proppant product quality is still low-end products, while its negative impact is affecting the development of some enterprises , the industry has the potential to affect the ability of enterprises to expand , so refined, and stronger, this phenomenon primary production is the inevitable price segment of the market economy , it will also improve the market economy and the norms to a more uncertain market .


Luoyang maide ceramics Co.,Ltd

Factory Address: Ruyang County Industrial Zone Henan Province,china
Sales Department: 248 Kaiyuan Road,Luoyang City,Henan Province,471200 china
Tel:+86 379-65151777
Fax:+86 379-65151555

Shale gas production capacity exceeded 700 million cubic meters

Last year, Chongqing MaiDe Shale gas revolution capacity has exceeded 700 million cubic meters of shale gas development became the main battlefield of the National Energy Board and was identified as a national demonstration area of shale gas. This year, Chongqing will shale gas exploration and development in a more important position. Recoverable resources of approximately 2 trillion cubic meters, the country's third. 13-year national demonstration Fuling District of Chongqing petrochemical goods accumulated nearly 73 million cubic meters of gas.


What is the oil fracturing proppant

In recent years, with the development of the domestic production of oil fracturing proppant , oil fracturing proppant export volume gradually from scratch, from less to more . However , overall, the export volume is still less than imports . And low value-added products are mainly concentrated on the low-end products, imports are high-end products with high added value , such as the excellent performance of high-strength oil fracturing proppant products. Development of China's petroleum industry is not fast fracturing proppant , the market size of around 15% annual growth rate , the average annual growth rate of total capacity in enterprises around 12 %. The large number of companies , but most are small businesses , low yield , low-tech , competition means prices are mainly concentrated in the top , and did not occupy a larger share of the market, especially large-scale enterprise to produce . Domestic demand for oil continues to increase , dependence on foreign oil continues to increase . In order to meet the increasing domestic demand for oil , the oil industry has developed rapidly. Correspondingly related products is rapidly expanding. China's oil fracturing proppant industry during this time , the development of relatively rapid growth in market size reached 20%. In 2009, China's Shale gas revolution industry investment of $ 470 million in 2011 increased to 620 million yuan , an average annual growth rate of over 13%.