
According to the strength of ceramic classification

(1) high-strength ceramic
According to (lightweight aggregates and its test method) GB / T 17431.1-1998 new standard, high-strength ceramic label refers to the structural strength of not less than 25MPa with a lightweight coarse aggregate. In addition to the technical requirements of density levels, cylinder compressive strength, the strength of numbers, there are specific indicators of water absorption, other indicators (particle size distribution, softening coefficient, grain shape factor, the content of harmful substances, etc.) and ultra-light, the same as ordinary ceramic. The production of high-strength ceramic yield lower energy consumption greater added value, sales price than lightweight ceramic, ceramic high general about 50%. Preparation of high-grade and high-strengthresin coated ceramic proppant  lightweight aggregate concrete must be homogeneous.
(2) ordinary ceramic
According to "lightweight aggregate and test methods" GB / T 17431.1-1998 new standard, ordinary ceramic refers to the structural strength of the label is less than 25MPa with a lightweight coarse aggregate. Wider application of ordinary ceramic market potential.
By Resin coated ceramic proppant density classification
Ceramic according to the density divided into general density ceramic, ultra-light density ceramic, special light-density high density ceramic .
(1) General-density ceramic
Generally refers to a density greater than the density of ceramic ceramic 500kg / m3 of. Its strength is generally relatively high, more insulation for structural concrete or high strength concrete.
(2) ultra-density ceramic
Ultralight density ceramic generally refers to ceramic 300 ~ 500kg / m3 of. This is generally used for insulation ceramic and concrete products.
(3) special light density ceramic
Special light density ceramic refers ceramic less than 300kg / m3 of. It's very excellent insulation properties, but poor strength. Generally used for the production of concrete and its special light insulation products.

