
Lytag Introduction

Pulverized coal ash is a low extinguished after constituted like pozzolana mixed. It was extinguished coal plants will be ground into pulverized coal 100 microns or less, with a warm-up atmosphere injected into the furnace to form a suspension off, low-temperature occurrence thick cloud of smoke small amounts of non-combustible material, install the trap to get through the dust fly ash. The chemical composition of fly ash is similar to clay, minor identity as silica, aluminum oxide, ferric oxide, calcium oxide and unburned carbon. Fly ash is a coal-fired power plants are the major solid waste discharge.
Lytag is fly ash as the main raw material (85%) about the incorporation of the right amount of lime (or carbide slag), gypsum, additives, etc., by measurement, ingredients, forming, hydration and hydrothermal synthesis reaction or An artificial lightweight aggregate reaction and made of natural water hard. Ceramic has excellent properties such as low density, high pressure tube, high porosity, softening coefficient, good frost resistance, excellent alkali aggregate reaction and so on. Especially due to the small high density ceramic density porous internal morphology, composition more uniform, and possessed a certain strength and robustness, which has a lightweight, corrosion-resistant, frost, seismic and good barrier properties (insulation, heat insulation, sound insulation, separated tide) and other multi-features. The use of these excellent properties of ceramic, it can be widely used in building materials, gardening, food and beverage, fire-resistant insulation materials, chemical, oil and other departments, applications increasingly widespread, continues to expand. At the beginning of the invention and production of ceramic proppants , it is mainly used for building materials, as technology continues to evolve and people on a deeper understanding of the performance of ceramic, ceramic applications already exceeded the scope of the traditional building materials, expanding its use of new fields. Ceramic building materials now in use, and has fallen from 100% to 80%, applied in other areas, accounted for 20%. With the continuous development of new uses for ceramic, its share in other areas will gradually increase.


According to the strength of ceramic classification

(1) high-strength ceramic
According to (lightweight aggregates and its test method) GB / T 17431.1-1998 new standard, high-strength ceramic label refers to the structural strength of not less than 25MPa with a lightweight coarse aggregate. In addition to the technical requirements of density levels, cylinder compressive strength, the strength of numbers, there are specific indicators of water absorption, other indicators (particle size distribution, softening coefficient, grain shape factor, the content of harmful substances, etc.) and ultra-light, the same as ordinary ceramic. The production of high-strength ceramic yield lower energy consumption greater added value, sales price than lightweight ceramic, ceramic high general about 50%. Preparation of high-grade and high-strengthresin coated ceramic proppant  lightweight aggregate concrete must be homogeneous.
(2) ordinary ceramic
According to "lightweight aggregate and test methods" GB / T 17431.1-1998 new standard, ordinary ceramic refers to the structural strength of the label is less than 25MPa with a lightweight coarse aggregate. Wider application of ordinary ceramic market potential.
By Resin coated ceramic proppant density classification
Ceramic according to the density divided into general density ceramic, ultra-light density ceramic, special light-density high density ceramic .
(1) General-density ceramic
Generally refers to a density greater than the density of ceramic ceramic 500kg / m3 of. Its strength is generally relatively high, more insulation for structural concrete or high strength concrete.
(2) ultra-density ceramic
Ultralight density ceramic generally refers to ceramic 300 ~ 500kg / m3 of. This is generally used for insulation ceramic and concrete products.
(3) special light density ceramic
Special light density ceramic refers ceramic less than 300kg / m3 of. It's very excellent insulation properties, but poor strength. Generally used for the production of concrete and its special light insulation products.


By ceramic shape classification

Ceramic according to shape into gravel-type ceramic, spherical and cylindrical ceramic ceramic.
(1) gravel-shaped ceramic
Gravel-type ceramic proppant general use natural mineral production, the first stone grinding, roasting, and then sifting; also available in natural and artificial light materials such as pumice, scoria, cinder, coal and other natural or calcined directly broken screen points derived.
(2) spherical ceramic
Spherical ceramic production is the use of the disc pelletizer. First raw flour, then add water pelletized into balls and then baking or curing together. At present, China's resin coated ceramic proppant Most of this variety.
(3) a cylindrical ceramic
Cylindrical ceramic commonly used plastic extrusion. First made of mud, and then cut into a cylindrical shape. This ceramic ball is suitable for high plasticity clay like material, the yield is relatively low. If using a cylindrical blank brick back firing in the kiln cylinder roll into an oval shape.


Ceramic sand trommel

Trommel main motor, reducer, roller units, racks, closures, expected out components. Roller means mounted on the frame inclined. After the drum motor reducer are connected together by coupling means, the drive roller means rotatable about its axis. When the material into the drum unit, due to the tilt and rotation of the drum unit, flip and scroll the screen so that the material surface, so that hsp proppant qualified materials (undersize product) by the cylindrical drum sieve discharge, substandard materials (on screen product ) by the end of the discharge roller. As the material within the drum flip, scroll, so that the material in the meshes of the card can be ejected, to prevent petroleum proppant clogging of the sieve. Drum sieve sand, the principle of construction drum trommel screening machine with almost the same, there are differences on the people know it and it is called.


Oil fracturing support is very effective

When oil and gas exploration in deep, high pressure low permeability Deposits closed after fracturing treatment, the rock cracked hydrocarbon, oil and gas from the channel formed by the collection out of the cracks. Along with a high-pressure high-alumina support material solution into the formation filling in cracks in the rock, do not play a supporting crack closure due to stress release effect, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that oil and gas flow, increase production. Practice has proved that the use of high-alumina proppant hydraulic fracturing wells can increase production by 30-50%, but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells, a key material in the oil and gas wells in low permeability oil and gas exploration and construction. Products used in deep fracturing, it will be filled to the low permeability fractured rock deposits in high closed Fracturing proppants treatment, the hydrocarbon rock split, play a supporting fissures not because of stress release and closed, thereby maintaining the oil and gas high flow capacity, not only to increase oil and gas production, and can extend the service life of oil and gas wells.


Progress fracturing fluid

single guar gum derivatives. Content of the polymer is 1/2 of the conventional polymer fracturing fluid; and the use of a polymer crosslinking metal-based crosslinking agent to increase the viscosity; Operating temperature 93 ~ 121 ℃; viscosity limit 400mPa · s / 100s-1, so as to obtain a long and thin cracks, but unlike that obtained with a solution of boric acid based gel short thick crack. Although the viscosity of this fracturing fluid is relatively low, but it is very suitable for hanging or carrying capacity of sand content is relatively high proppant. By 400 jobs in the field, to get the ideal stitch length and more thorough cleaning flowback.
The advantages are:
(1) can cause desired fracture length;
(2) costs than the polymer-free fracturing fluid is low;
(3) than the amount of conventional cross-linked guar gum fracturing fluid less 1/2, flowback better;
Reduction (4) degradation of the polymer damage.
The disadvantage is that when the sand filling, there are still minor injuries. Although the breaker can effectively reduce the molecular weight of the polymer, thereby reducing the viscosity of the liquid, but still contain cracks weaken diversion and discharge capacity of the polymer portion.
This fracturing fluid Utah Wasatch Formation (low porosity and permeability reservoirs) in the application and achieved good results.
2, guar gum can improve the low-borate fracturing fluid production of oil and gas wells
North American oil and gas companies have to increase crude oil production by reducing the concentration of the fracturing fluid borate crosslinked. Many companies use a borate crosslinked fracturing fluid, because such a system can produce a high viscosity, healing and re-formed under shear conditions, and is inexpensive naturally occurring borate as a main component. Borate liquid shear insensitive, crosslinking is reversible. Reducing the concentration of guar gum is intended to reduce the damage to the reservoir, and after fracturing a more thorough draining create conditions. Other studies have shown that completely drain blockage and reduce proppant can create better hydraulic fracturing  conductivity and increase production. Low guar gum borate fracturing fluid is a mixture of fresh water and guar gum, and by a single buffer - the crosslinked crosslinked fluid. You can simplify the use of buffer preparation work. Because the system was reduced by 30% to 40% of the colloid, so after fracturing proppants in the reservoir, leaving only insoluble residues and less colloid. Practical application shows that in three months after fracturing , oil companies increase the net present value $ 43,000.
3, HMP-quality water-based fracturing fluid
Micro polymer services company Halliburton developed a high-quality water-based fracturing fluid (HMP), the fracturing fluid is easy to recycle and can be reused many times. HMP is based on a short chain polymer, the polymer in the manufacturing process chemically cut, the final 20 to 30 times shorter than the original polymer. Fracturing fluid borate crosslinker is added. After pumping stops, reservoir rocks in the role of natural acidity, fracturing fluid can be effectively broken plastic. Flowback can be re-used.
The company said, HMP has the following characteristics: a reusable, saving money and reducing the amount of water used to solve the water problem; the crack length increases of 3 to 5 times the rate of increase yield and total reserves equivalent; drain efficiency doubled and without the use of the breaker; enhanced ability to carry proppant fracturing fluid filtration will decrease.
Since after the fracturing gel is pumped naturally break and restore its original viscosity, and therefore, without displacing the proppant, theOil fracturing proppant can be freely discharged back the wellbore, and then recovered by filtration and re-use. HMP using treated for subsequent stimulation not only economic, but also effective. This feature makes HMP is especially suitable for remote operation.


How to properly use and improve the efficiency of the drilling machine

Drilling machine is mainly used for drilling use, easy to use , can improve the efficiency of the maide oil well fracking , make work more relaxed? Of course , here I am for everyone to talk about in detail how to properly use and improve the efficiency of the drilling machine .
Before drilling machine operations , it is necessary to check each component , the water from the drainage holes into the well pipe . And commissioning organizations , recognizing normal , can the job.
        Piling place needs a flat , solid, clean, no power lines, no obstructions , the well should not be playing too deep, usually 8-12m match fit. Underground no holes, no buried objects , rain no water , when moving away from the ground water level sm above , do not use the well type and construction safety zone should be set up to stop pedestrians entering or remaining . ties should be laid flat on the ground on a solid trajectory grounding resistance less than 10Ω, rail spacing error shall not exceed ± 0.6cm, track fittings plate convergence necessary strong.
        Matters relating to the operation of maide Coal seam gas machinery is to have a strict rule , such as the most basic needs of the drilling machine operator that is necessary to certificates, so before drilling a large grain of salt added to the flower tube and abide by the safety rules and safety ten production discipline . drainage holes are not blocked so that salt gradually melted into the well ,
        Power wires, motors and guillotine wiring is correct, outstanding insulation voltage error shall not exceed ± 5%, the construction of small -diameter tube wells , often use small drilling rig to the depth certainly will be processed under good wall pipe to the well if when two motors must operate together , should certainly every moment to launch when staking frame board when board over 10 ~ 20cm , should stop viewing, sustainable rise in various parts of the normal rear.