
Reported surge in U.S. shale oil production or reshape world oil industry

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 5 月 14 reported that the International Energy Agency (IEA) 14 announced an interim report that the next five years, one-third of the world's new oil supply will come from the United States.Unconventional gas BBC said that the U.S. has proven shale oil Grain unexpectedly rose substantially likely to change the global crude oil producing countries contrast pattern.
The report shows that the North American market in the supply of crude oil off the waves are spread worldwide. U.S. crude oil imports from the country into a net exporter to the Middle East crude oil demand will slow down.ceramic ball In addition, by 2015, the United States will replace Russia as the world's largest natural gas producer. 2035, U.S. domestic demand for energy will "self-sufficiency." International Energy Agency Director-General van der Hoeven (Maria van der Hoeven) said that, for many years in North America than-expected supply growth has impacted every corner of the world oil market. U.S. surge in oil production will undoubtedly reshape the entire crude oil industry. The agency also said that from 2012 to 2018, the U.S. daily crude oil production will increase by 390 million barrels, representing the traditional non-OPEC oil-producing countries to increase production by two thirds.
BBC noted that the surge in oil production in the United States known as the energy market, in large part due savior shale oil. However, its production process is widely applied  hydraulic fracturing  technology has been questioned by environmentalists. It is reported that France has banned the technology.

Shale gas development where the main environmental threats

Exploration and exploitation of shale gas potential environmental hazard does exist, reflected in the five areas.
The first is that the water came from.Ceramic proppant Shale gas water consumption is large, several times the conventional gas exploration. If the operating block near abundant runoff, shale gas problem. If you just have nearby creeks, streams will dry shale gas.
Secondly, the use of  hydraulic fracturing  of shale gas extraction technology, fracturing fluid to add a variety of chemical substances. These chemicals are safe, and whether it will penetrate into the groundwater to early preparedness. In addition, there are chemicals leaking into surface water hazards. Pollution of surface water and groundwater in shale gas exploitation are required precautions.
The third aspect relates to underground flowback wastewater treatment. Flowback wastewater pumped downhole not contain chemical substances, as well as the formation of the unknown substance, are potential sources of contamination.
The fourth aspect of the atmospheric pollution. Shale gas exploitation in the fracturing fluid is made from sand mixed with water, sand pressed into shale gas displace them. Sand is ground prior to use of very fine particles, blown air is contaminated itself. Construction process, if the wall is not strong enough, gas, and sand may also spread to the air pollution.
In addition, shale gas mining process,frac sand use diesel truck transport water and gas, substantial increase in the number of trucks on the air pollution caused by emissions.
Finally, fugitive methane emissions are also potential sources of contamination. Shale gas is the main component is methane, methane is more powerful than carbon dioxide greenhouse gases, once the leak will cause the chain of contamination.
But I think that these problems can be controlled, the government has enacted laws and regulations to regulate.

The international development of shale gas

Global shale gas development is not common, only the United States and Canada a lot of work in this area. Among them, the United States has entered a rapid development of  shale gas  development stage of commercial exploitation in Canada is still in its infancy. U.S. shale gas development has 80 years of history, the oil companies involved in the 23 from 2005 to 2007, the development of 64. 2000 U.S. shale gas annual production of 122 billion cubic meters, while in 2007, only Newark East's annual production of shale gas reached 21.7 billion cubic meters, U.S. shale gas production close to 50 billion cubic meters, accounting for the total U.S. natural gas the amount of more than 8%. But from the U.S. Energy Information Administration data show website: U.S. shale gas production accounts for natural gas production increased from 2007 to 2011 were 8.07% (2007), 11.09% (2008), 15.19% (2009), 21.69% (2010 ), 29.85% (2011). Experts said that the U.S. shale gas is growing faster than the United States can not do without the support of national policy and the development of advanced technologies,fracturing proppant and this is at least 2015 Chinese do not have. The late 1970s, the U.S. government in the "energy windfall Law" provides tax subsidies unconventional energy development policy, since Texas since the early 1990s, the development of shale gas do not charge taxes on production. In addition, the United States has also set up a special research fund of unconventional oil and gas resources. It can be said that the U.S. government's emphasis on the development of shale gas shale gas development provided a strong impetus. Shale gas in terms of this new thing, a favorable policy support will undoubtedly greatly reduce development costs and stimulate the development of shale gas. With the rapid increase in shale gas production, the IEA predicts that by 2015 the United States will overtake Russia to become the world's largest natural gas producer. U.S. Energy authorities have predicted that shale gas will replace coal and become second only to the second-largest U.S. oil energy resources, and may change the U.S. energy production patterns. By 2012, shale gas production increased energy prices have been pulled down, the revitalization of the U.S. manufacturing sector has become a magic weapon. European Airbus and many large international companies to move into the U.S. of some manufacturing projects, is the value of local low energy prices. In addition, thanks to the shale gas revolution " hydraulic fracturing " technology, shale oil (a petroleum) production also increased rapidly, so that U.S. oil production rebounded strongly, leading to 2011, the United States since 1949, first became net exporter of refined petroleum products. The IEA believes that by 2020 the United States will become the world's largest crude oil producer. U.S. ConocoPhillips CEO Ryan Lance said that by the mid-1920s, the United States will not have to import oil. The rapid development of U.S. shale gas has changed America's energy consumption structure, not only reduces the consumption of coal and other energy ratio, but also reduces the dependence on Middle East oil and energy state, triggering a worldwide revolution in shale gas development.

Adopt new technologies, unconventional oil production is increasing rapidly.

In 2005, the then U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney (oil giant Halliburton's former CEO) and promoted by the vigorous lobbying, Congress passed the "Energy Policy Act" prohibits EPA using the "Safe Drinking Water Act "Control oil and gas extraction, eliminating the widespread use of  Hydraulic fracturing  and horizontal drilling technology is the biggest obstacle. German "international politics" bimonthly 2013 March-April issue publication Heinrich - Böll Foundation Chairman Ralph? Fox entitled "resource curse," the article states that "the rapid extraction technique leads recoverable oil and more and more natural gas resources. "

Using hydraulic fracturing technology, not only to re-develop old oil fields, but also to mass exploitation of unconventional oil and gas resources. United States, "Washington Post" Web site published in October 2011,ceramic ball chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates Daniel Yergin, entitled "Oil New World Order," the article describes, the use of hydraulic drilling techniques and hydraulic fracturing technology made from dense rocks More and more oil. In 2000, U.S. oil production is tight rock Nissan 20 million barrels per day by 2020 will reach 300 million barrels a day after, the equivalent of U.S. daily oil output of 1/3.

Harvard Business School published study reported that U.S. oil production of 800 million barrels from 2013 to 2020 of 1160 million barrels of foreign oil dependency has risen from 60 per cent in 2005 to 42% in 2012. U.S. "national interest" bimonthly web site in March 2013 introduced in the U.S. energy supply of oil from the Middle East accounted for only 14%. Citibank estimates that by 2020, U.S. oil production will reach 13 million barrels to 15 million barrels, which will assist in North America as the "New Middle East." International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that by 2017,frac sand companies the United States will surpass Saudi Arabia as the world's largest oil producer. To 2035, the United States almost able to achieve oil self-sufficiency.

British "Financial Times" Web site in November 2012 issued a "explore: energy, security and reshape the Modern World," a book of Daniel Eugene entitled "U.S. Energy is changing the world," the article pointed out: "Although oil production has undergone tremendous changes, but even less dependent on energy imports can not get rid of U.S. geopolitical logic, they would remain closely connected with the entire world. "

Partial lifting of the ban on offshore oil drilling, planned exploitation of domestic oil resources.

U.S. proven oil reserves of the world's proven oil reserves account for only about 2%. In 1981, the U.S. Congress passed a bill to freeze 4.8 km from the coastline to 322 km of the U.S. continental shelf oil;hydraulic fracturing 1991, U.S. President George W. Bush signed an executive order that will take zones extend to the Gulf of Mexico oil region of Alaska near the center and all the offshore overseas waters, the ban is valid until 2002; 1998, U.S. President Bill Clinton will ban was extended to 2012. In 2008, U.S. President George W. Bush saw oil prices exceeded $ 140 per barrel, proposed ban offshore oil bill, but the Federal Court of Appeal to the "lack of scientific basis" as an excuse, rejected Bush's ban plan.

The United States in 20 years non-exploitation of offshore petroleum resources in the main area, one is to protect the ecological environment. U.S. offshore oil exploration areas spill has occurred several times, causing serious environmental pollution. Second, protection of domestic oil resources. U.S. implementation of "dwelling on the far" oil strategy,frac sand not only in order to protect the domestic non-renewable, dwindling oil resources, but also to control the global oil market, profiteering and maintain world hegemony. Robert Bryce in his "energy independence of the road" in his book "than the U.S. domestic oil industry, more importantly, is the world's economic health, and if the expulsion of the Saudi royal family of Saudi oil leaving the military coup of stagnant flow, then the whole world economy will fall into chaos. "Therefore," We need to continue to work with Saudi Arabia and other key energy producing countries diplomatic cooperation, because even if we have more and more domestic energy supply, they will continue to affect the international market. "in five Middle East war,Proppant the United States mobilize support for Israel and the Gulf War and the Iraq war, is to control the Middle East strategic and war for oil.

In order to reduce dependence of foreign oil and expand employment, in March 2010, President Obama announced the partial lifting of the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration areas. A year later, President Obama proposed to increase U.S. energy independence the new target,Unconventional gas announced in 2025, the United States will reduce oil imports 1/3 in order to "increase U.S. energy independence."