
Reported surge in U.S. shale oil production or reshape world oil industry

According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 5 月 14 reported that the International Energy Agency (IEA) 14 announced an interim report that the next five years, one-third of the world's new oil supply will come from the United States.Unconventional gas BBC said that the U.S. has proven shale oil Grain unexpectedly rose substantially likely to change the global crude oil producing countries contrast pattern.
The report shows that the North American market in the supply of crude oil off the waves are spread worldwide. U.S. crude oil imports from the country into a net exporter to the Middle East crude oil demand will slow down.ceramic ball In addition, by 2015, the United States will replace Russia as the world's largest natural gas producer. 2035, U.S. domestic demand for energy will "self-sufficiency." International Energy Agency Director-General van der Hoeven (Maria van der Hoeven) said that, for many years in North America than-expected supply growth has impacted every corner of the world oil market. U.S. surge in oil production will undoubtedly reshape the entire crude oil industry. The agency also said that from 2012 to 2018, the U.S. daily crude oil production will increase by 390 million barrels, representing the traditional non-OPEC oil-producing countries to increase production by two thirds.
BBC noted that the surge in oil production in the United States known as the energy market, in large part due savior shale oil. However, its production process is widely applied  hydraulic fracturing  technology has been questioned by environmentalists. It is reported that France has banned the technology.

