
Fracturing Sand Control Technology

Fracturing Sand Control Technology is a new technology,resin coated frac sand with sand control and stimulation of the dual role. Details of the glue filling fracturing sand and fracturing brine filled sand two kinds of fracturing sand control technology, which focuses on the brine filled sand fracturing technology. Through statistical analysis and comparison of skin factor two kinds of field application technology, and to determine the conditions selected from conductivity wells, reservoir characteristics and construction restrictions angle, and finally clarify two kinds of sand fracturing technology has the same good production results, in general, plastic fracturing fluid filling sand for low permeability reservoirs and perforations than 15m of thin sand shale sequences oil; saline filled fracturing Coal seam gas sand near the water reservoir suitable for oil and gas interface, high-angle and high-temperature reservoir section Nagai. Thus, science is one of the key election wells success of its construction.

