
Hydraulic fracturing proppant backflow control measures are discussed

Hydraulic fracturing proppant backflow control measures to investigate the hydraulic fracturing is the main measures to increase productivity and augmented injection of low permeable oil fields, but in most cases, the fracturing proppant after construction with the drainage or oil and gas production and backflow, fracturing fluid friction proppant will be out of the cracks. Problems mainly has two aspects: one is not choose the reasonable time to control the fracturing proppant migration, resulting in a large number of proppant backflow to the shaft (spit out fracturing sand), or in the near wellbore zone and broken, thus make the reservoir area proppant little or distribution is not reasonable. It largely reduce the fracture diverting capacity, serious can lead to the failure of the fracturing operation; Second, flowback flow control is bad, make the frac sand companies of proppant rushed out of the mouth of the well, stab put nozzle and other equipment damage. Buried in the production of perforation pump barrel, even lead to higher maintenance costs and frequent downtime. Therefore, in the process of fracturing operation, must maximize fracturing fluid flowback rate, decrease fracturing fluid to the formation of pollution, and to minimize the proppant backflow, improve the effect of hydraulic fracturing, carrying out a research into the proppant backflow control measures, to improve the level of low permeable oilfield development is of far-reaching significance. The main factors influencing the proppant backflow is analysed in terms of single grain of proppant, when its under free state, the little energy can be brought into the wellbore, this kind of situation usually occurs at the beginning of the drainage; And when the proppant in the seam.

