
Partial lifting of the ban on offshore oil drilling, planned exploitation of domestic oil resources.

U.S. proven oil reserves of the world's proven oil reserves account for only about 2%. In 1981, the U.S. Congress passed a bill to freeze 4.8 km from the coastline to 322 km of the U.S. continental shelf oil;hydraulic fracturing 1991, U.S. President George W. Bush signed an executive order that will take zones extend to the Gulf of Mexico oil region of Alaska near the center and all the offshore overseas waters, the ban is valid until 2002; 1998, U.S. President Bill Clinton will ban was extended to 2012. In 2008, U.S. President George W. Bush saw oil prices exceeded $ 140 per barrel, proposed ban offshore oil bill, but the Federal Court of Appeal to the "lack of scientific basis" as an excuse, rejected Bush's ban plan.

The United States in 20 years non-exploitation of offshore petroleum resources in the main area, one is to protect the ecological environment. U.S. offshore oil exploration areas spill has occurred several times, causing serious environmental pollution. Second, protection of domestic oil resources. U.S. implementation of "dwelling on the far" oil strategy,frac sand not only in order to protect the domestic non-renewable, dwindling oil resources, but also to control the global oil market, profiteering and maintain world hegemony. Robert Bryce in his "energy independence of the road" in his book "than the U.S. domestic oil industry, more importantly, is the world's economic health, and if the expulsion of the Saudi royal family of Saudi oil leaving the military coup of stagnant flow, then the whole world economy will fall into chaos. "Therefore," We need to continue to work with Saudi Arabia and other key energy producing countries diplomatic cooperation, because even if we have more and more domestic energy supply, they will continue to affect the international market. "in five Middle East war,Proppant the United States mobilize support for Israel and the Gulf War and the Iraq war, is to control the Middle East strategic and war for oil.

In order to reduce dependence of foreign oil and expand employment, in March 2010, President Obama announced the partial lifting of the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration areas. A year later, President Obama proposed to increase U.S. energy independence the new target,Unconventional gas announced in 2025, the United States will reduce oil imports 1/3 in order to "increase U.S. energy independence."

