
Not all mining water will disappear forever. hsp proppant In the process of drilling and hydraulic fracturing, we have one tenth to three-quarters of the water will flow back to the surface, and these reflux water contains toxic chemicals. Mining companies can use these water recycling, for the next hydraulic fracturing, or it can be stored in water tanks, also can be discharged directly into surface waters. Thus, if water is not properly treated back, it could contaminate local groundwater, further increasing the risk of the local water supply.
WRI said that China is not the only country affected by distress, large reserves of shale oil and gas resources, many of which are located in areas of water scarcity. Unfortunately, China is one of the countries most severely affected by distress.
In China, the South is more abundant water petroleum proppant resources, but most of the shale oil and gas resources in the north. China shale gas reserves are mainly concentrated in the Sichuan Basin and Tarim Basin, two regional water supplies are very tight, oil and gas extraction faces enormous challenges. Worse, large reserves of shale oil and gas resources are all densely populated areas, which means that if companies want to mine, in addition to diverted irrigation water, but also water and industrial competitiveness and domestic water. If not handled properly, shale oil and gas resources will lead to water shortages and water pollution double disaster of.


Of the world's top energy consumer China,bauxite proppant the world's first shale gas reserves is undoubtedly good news. On the one hand, the International Energy Agency said earlier, to 2035, China's natural gas consumption will increase by five times or; on the other hand, 70% of China's total energy consumption is coal, dependence on coal resulted in severe air pollution .
But the World Resources Institute (WRI) in announced the good news, but also poured cold water: more than three-fifths of China shale oil and gas resources are located in water-scarce areas, and the exploitation of shale gas without water. Existing shale gas extraction process, is together will inject millions of liters total water, sand and chemicals underground shale, ceramic proppant supplier fracturing the rock, so that shale gas overflow. Sustainable Resource Management as a non-governmental research institutions, WRI said that in the United States, only drilling requires 200,000 to 2,500,000 liters of water, hydraulic fracturing link demand for water is as high as 7 million to 23 million liters.


US natural gas production is constantly refresh Shale gas revolution the record, but there are more and more indications that the shale revolution wildest days may have passed.
US government data released on Tuesday showed US natural gas production in 2013 rose to 70.21 billion cubic feet, but production increased by only 1.5% over 2012, which was in 2005 after the start of large-scale use of new drilling techniques exploit the huge stock of page rock formations lowest annual growth since natural gas. US Energy Information Administration is expected in 2014 and 2015, US natural gas production will increase by 2.1% and 1.3%, respectively.
IAF research consultancy director Kyle natural gas fracking Cooper, said: "The growth of total production comes from shale gas, shale gas production data are now falling quickly to reflect the fact that this means that the oil companies need to keep open. Arai. this means that companies need to maintain a high frequency of drilling will ensure a yield. "


Our shale gas reserves, although large, proppant supplier but the impression by the terrain conditions, technical and economic and other factors, the development extremely difficult. High water consumption and environmental threats become shale gas development on the road of the "stumbling block", which makes part of the project has been mined shale gas is not as expected in the well. Each country is different according to their own circumstances Looking endowment policies for the development of shale gas balance, while China, how will it?
Shale gas is a very huge resource potential of unconventional oil and gas resources, has long been affected by many factors, technical, economic, and its development has been relatively slow.
China shale gas resources as one of the richest countries, the development of shale gas resources is also considered to enhance China's natural gas supply capacity, an important way to "cut coal enlargement of gas," national energy strategy. However, to achieve this goal is no easy task, the upstream development of environmental issues will be restricting large-scale shale gas, a key factor for sustainable development. Investment Advisor Director Guo Li pointed out that China shale gas reserves, although large, but the rugged terrain, poor infrastructure and deeper shale gas layer also makes the development very difficult, and preliminary exploration of shale gas development investment, investment high-risk, long payback period, is heavily dependent on pipeline construction and other characteristics also makes its liquidity the ability to develop business requirements are relatively high.
High water consumption and environmental threats become shale gas development on the road of the "stumbling block", which makes part of the project has been mined shale gas is not as expected in the well. On the one hand, horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing method is the core technology for shale gas, but fracturing mining requires large amounts of water, even if flowback achieve a higher rate, it will reach the water consumption of conventional natural gas 10 times the sustainable use high density ceramic of water resources for the local impact, water consumption restricted the bottleneck of shale gas development; on the other hand, shale gas development also faces environmental problems, due to the need to page in the mining process rock fracturing fluid injected into the high contain chemical reagents, but if inadvertently penetrate into the ground or spills with the rainy season, can easily result in contamination of the local groundwater quality in shallow and, in addition, shale gas extraction process also produces noise, exhaust gas as well as environmental pollution caused by mining accidents disaster.


It is worth noting that in recent years, Coal seam gas PetroChina, Sinopec, China University of Petroleum domestic enterprises and research institutes to increase the R & D efforts for China's geological conditions, particularly in the fracturing fluid technology.
Currently, foreign patent applications in China, mainly involved for fracturing fluids under general geological conditions, while domestic application relates generally applicable to special geological situation in China fracturing fluid, domestic enterprises should also consider common fracturing fluid patent protected to further expand its technological superiority.
In addition, geological evaluation technology, domestic Chinese Academy of Sciences, PetroChina and Sinopec, led by research institutes and enterprises in the field has formed a certain technical advantages.
Based on the above analysis, it is necessary to natural gas fracking strengthen our country for the special geological conditions of China's shale gas technology development, strive to achieve technological breakthroughs in key areas; second is to support and encourage enterprises and research institutes to increase the rotary steerable drilling geology, pumping can drilling bridge plug staged fracturing and other cutting-edge technology research and development efforts, and actively carry out related patent portfolio.


The world's second-largest petrochemical group, Shale gas revolution Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) acting chief executive Yousef Abdullah Al-Benyan recently revealed: the company plans to set up a joint venture by way of expanding investment in the US shale gas projects.
SABIC company has its headquarters in Houston, Texas and the United States Enterprise Products Partners LP The company signed a cooperation agreement for shale gas. It is reported that, SABIC company will be US shale gas as a feedstock to produce olefins and other Coal seam gas derivative products.
SABIC company has said its intention to acquire the US company, has no plans to participate directly in shale gas production in Saudi Arabia, and its focus on increasing investment in the United States and China in related fields, in order to products on the market more competitive.


Shale gas is a high quality and efficient clean energy,natural gas fracturing China's shale gas reserves in the world, its effective development and utilization for the adjustment of China's energy structure, promote energy conservation, prevention of air pollution is important.
Research on shale gas exploration and development technology patents in the field situation and risks showed that: in the oil, Sinopec as the representative of Chinese enterprises with strong technical strength, but US companies patent portfolio in China intentions clear, Chinese enterprises should strengthen the horizontal well trajectory control fracturing method, fracture monitoring and other key technology research and development and patent portfolio.
Through patent search, the global shale gas exploration and development in the field of 40,000 patent applications, of which, the United States ranked first application, ranked second in China.Shale gas revolution  Patents mainly in the hands of Schlumberger, Baker Hughes, Halliburton and other three US companies, PetroChina, Sinopec ranked the world's fourth respectively, 7th.


Xiangfu district located in Henan Kaifeng City, Shale gas revolution Henan Province, the first shale gas wells have been stable gas flow, which is the country's first shale gas discovery in the urban planning area, which means Henan to make new breakthroughs in shale gas exploration and development.
According to reports, the first shale gas wells as Henan, Mou Page 1 well is located in Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Western District Xiangfu of a farmland. According to the geological survey department, Mou Page 1 well where gas technology mineable reserves of about 12.75 billion cubic meters.
It is reported that Mou found on page 1 of the well, also the country's first shale gas discovery in the urban planning Coal seam gas area. According to experts, at present, Henan shale gas development is still in the experimental stage of exploration, has not yet entered the industrial production, but the city planning area shale gas discovery has important implications for future energy use and restructuring development of urban energy.