
Shale gas development mode

Although there while natural gas fracturing holding the gas in free phase exists, but does not require the development of shale gas drainage buck. Since shale gas in free phase of recovery, can naturally achieve the purpose of pressure reduction, resulting in the adsorbed phase and a small amount of ionized gas dissolved phase, to further increase natural gas production capacity and to achieve the purpose of long-term and stable. Due to low gas porosity and permeability is low productivity and recovery, so rock gas ultimate recovery depends on an effective fracturing, fracturing technology and production processes Coal seam gas have a direct impact on the economy of shale gas wells benefits.
Some experts mentioned contacting gas, JAMasters (1979) proposed a deep basin gas (Deep bagas) ideology, the establishment of a gas water inversion mode, which describes the broad prospects for natural gas exploration and development. Because identification is difficult, PR Rose et al. (1986) proposed a basin-centered gas (Basin-centergas), B. E. Recognition Law, who studied the idea of ​​improving the gas reservoirs from "gas-water inversion region" is "no edge water", thus simplifying the cumbersome identification process and to advance the recognition of the largely gas reservoirs of time. Since the determination of the "boundless bottom water still more drilling geological data it is still not the best solution.


Shale gas technology

Shale gas technology,natural gas fracturing including horizontal well technology and multi-fracturing, water fracturing, repeated fracturing technology and the latest synchronization fracturing technologies that are constantly improving the shale gas production. It is these successful application of advanced technology, promoting the rapid development of US shale gas development.Coal seam gas If we can introduce these advanced technologies, we will hand China shale gas development assistance.
China shale gas development technology advances: a drilling technology, shale gas wells 3,500 meters, 2,000 meters of drilling horizontal fastest 45 days to complete. Second, sub-drilling and fracturing technology has fully mastered the basic achieved domestically.


Development of technology basically achieved domestically

And conventional oil and gas and tight oil and gas horizontal well is different from horizontal shale gas well drilling and completion of the difficulty lies in how to achieve excellent fast segment shale Shale gas revolution drilling and completion, ensure wellbore quality, reduce drilling and completion costs. China shale gas drilling and completion technology research research started late, but rapid progress.
China's shale gas exploration and development of technology and equipment essential to achieve localization, horizontal well costs have been declining, continue to shorten the construction period. Through technology introduction, digestion and absorption and research, China has natural gas fracturing basically mastered the shale gas geophysical, drilling, completion, fracturing and test gas and other exploration and development of shale gas technology. 3500 m to the shallow drilling and staged fracturing Hirai skilled jobs, have staged fracturing of horizontal wells up to 22 segments, up to 2130 meters of capacity. Self-developed mobile rigs, 3000 fracturing trucks and other equipment, as well as shale gas, "dessert" forecasting software, to achieve better application results in the exploration development. Horizontal well drilling and completion period is reduced from 150 days to 70 days, the shortest 46 days, the level of single well costs fell from 100 million yuan to 50 million yuan to 7,000 yuan.


The value of shale gas

As technology advances, the cost of natural gas fracking shale gas fracturing gradually reduced. Horizontal well is another key factor in the successful development of shale gas reservoirs. According to the American experience, the level of the average daily gas production wells and the final product is 3-5 times the vertical gas wells, gas production rate is increased by 10 times, while the cost of horizontal wells is 2-4 times less than vertical wells. Thus, the horizontal wells to accelerate the development process to promote the application of shale gas. Due to the large scale development of shale gas, the control wells high recoverable reserves (up to 60 million square), adopt measures daily output per well after up to 3 Articles. Coupled with shale gas well production decline rate is low, easy to implement 30 - 50 years of stable production time, it can achieve a relatively high yield economic value.
CNPC (PetroChina) in China's Sichuan province discovered shale gas, which confirmed that the country's thirst for energy in China,Shale gas revolution and huge reserves of this unconventional fuel. According to expectations, namely shale gas reserves of natural gas in shale through the provision of cheap and plentiful new fuel source, changing the world's largest energy consumer China's energy supply situation in the coming


Fracturing Sand Control Technology

Fracturing Sand Control Technology is a new technology,resin coated frac sand with sand control and stimulation of the dual role. Details of the glue filling fracturing sand and fracturing brine filled sand two kinds of fracturing sand control technology, which focuses on the brine filled sand fracturing technology. Through statistical analysis and comparison of skin factor two kinds of field application technology, and to determine the conditions selected from conductivity wells, reservoir characteristics and construction restrictions angle, and finally clarify two kinds of sand fracturing technology has the same good production results, in general, plastic fracturing fluid filling sand for low permeability reservoirs and perforations than 15m of thin sand shale sequences oil; saline filled fracturing Coal seam gas sand near the water reservoir suitable for oil and gas interface, high-angle and high-temperature reservoir section Nagai. Thus, science is one of the key election wells success of its construction.